Peacekeepers Building / Landmark in Hausken | World Anvil
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Hausken has twelve large towers with their Crystal eyes around the city’s border which create a magical dome, protecting the city from The Wrath.  

Purpose / Function

Hausken has twelve large towers with their crystal eyes around the city’s border. It was these towers which acted like lightning rods, capturing and harnessing the lightning’s energy, and creating the dome under which the city was shielded. These towers were the city’s protectors from The Wrath and had been given the name by the original inhabitants of Häusken, as the Peacekeepers.


Lestalt had channelled the power of the Peacekeepers himself for many years, creating an energy storage and conversion system to harness the force of the storm. Yet over time, the crude and aging systems were now failing, bleeding vigour and creating electrical pockets. Time stopped in these pockets, full of energy and power in their raw forms, terrifying and primal they were to be avoided at all times. It was evident at the first moment these pockets appeared that the systems needed more support than Lestalt could provide from his aging form. As time went by the Peacekeepers relied on new crystals to run more and more components of the towers. Crystal reliance meant that there was a dependency on something that Lestalt could not control – he despised this.
Founding Date
Tower, Guard
Parent Location


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