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Followers of the Flayed Gods


There is no uniform way to worship the flayed gods, as they have no concrete church, and it is quite rare for anyone to worship all of them. Usually their worship is an individual thing. And generally the Flayed gods or not lombed together, but given familial ties they are often refered to as such.


The Flayed Gods refer to Mylia Oldest of the flayed gods and strongest of them, though also the least worshipped.   Ur Second of the flayed gods and the younger brother of Mylia.   Asirus Youngest of the Flayed gods, and often at odds with his elders. To the degree that his followers often do battle with his older siblings, especially his Brother

Mythology & Lore

They say that the flayed gods once bore other names, until the other gods punished them for a long forgotten deed, stripping them of their skin and all their being. Their old self's and names, they became feral beast of the gods creation. Until one day when they once again heard it, something they had not heard for untold years, a prayer, who uttered their first prayer is not known, and their names are either cursed or beloved, for the opinion of the flayed gods are varies greatly, to some they are brutal and savage gods hellbent on the destruction of all that is good, while to others they are bastions of world that is shrinking, honorable beings that unlike other gods have never led them suffer in vain.   The Orcs claim that it was mighty Grumash who first uttered their names in a plea for help to free his people.


Each of the gods have their own way of worship,


Their is no defined priesthood among the followers of the Flayed Gods, but to name a few:   Ur's clerics amongst the Ulhoir are called Gloryhounds, and his paladins are often called Urson. He has no colors, but those who wish to honor often smear the blood of the slain upon their bodies. His priest serve as exemplars of his virtues when on raiding expeditions. They furfill few roles within society as a hole. But they make damn sure those around remember the virtues of their people.
Religious, Pantheon


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