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Lord of Glory, Despoiler of all, Master of the Glory seekers, Bringer of Spoils and Conquest. Ur

Ur is the Lord of War and Plunder; he represents the brutality of war and is primarily worshipped where life is harsh and by such peoples as the Orc and Ulhoir as the bringer of spoils and conquest.   He rewards those who fight with reckless abandon and throw themselves to fight where it is thickest, and death is closest. And those who die a berserker's death are sent to his halls to forever dine in his halls, and feast upon endless victories and dance their eternity away in joy, for a short life must be rewarded with long happiness. Ur also dictates that there is time for violence and a time for enjoyment. When not on the lookout for plunder and glory one should enjoy their earned spoils and not attack the simple people or when at home, one should invite others to enjoy the spoils of victory.   Ur does however not approve of slaying the weak in anything but self-defense or to attain goals such as plunder, and children are a strict no. In fact, should the one who adopts the children of those he slew Ur promises a seat in his halls even in old age, it is the most honorable thing a worshiper can do.    


Honor and Glory

One must be honorable in all things to earn glory, Ur is a man of his word, he does not deceive he does not lie, he does not need to in order to earn what he wants. He expects his followers to follow that example, they should be honest and honor their word.  

Destruction and Glory

Ur hungers for destruction and what riches can be extracted from that which he destroys. He seeks the thrill of combat and the carnage it brings. He wants his followers to experience this glory as well, to find themselves alive amidst the flames of war.  


Ur does not accept prayer, sacrifice nor worship in any shape that is not done in the prelude to or in battle. To worship is Ur is to let go of your sense of self in battle, to led rage guide your heart, to hear heartbeat to the sound of metal clashing, to taste your own blood and spill your foes. That is how you worship Ur, it is to fight or to die.   Ur is a vainglorious god, he likes to be honored, those who erect temples in his names or totems, anything to mark his glory, especially when made from the spoils of a battle will earn his favor.

To honor your god

Plant his mark where you conquer and where you pillage.


Death and Glory, Nothing else!  

Myths & Stories

They say that like all the other flayed gods he was once a different being altogether, one who stood as a defender of the weak and frail, to some extend he retains these old ideals, but now his thirst and hunger for battle and conquest cannot be quenched.

Divine Domains

War, Conquest, Destruction, Glory and Honor.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Skull without a jawbone, usually with depiction of weapons.

Tenets of Faith

Seek glory, seek war! Take what you desire! Sate yourself in their belongings! Hold true to your word!   Do not break your vows. Do not kill needlessly. Do not kill the weak.



Brother (Important)

Towards Mylia




Sister (Vital)

Towards Ur



Divine Classification
Accursed Primordial.


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