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The ancient woods have long been feared as the nest of druidic cults and elves that can be found prowling in its darkest corners, to most it is a haunted place, one that no one dares step in or hunt unless desperate and never too far from the forest edge. It is a deep and primordial place, undisturbed by the modern world though such things seem to change, as hungry eyes of the House Asger looks upon the waste untapped resources it represents.   This deep and beautiful forest is as dense as it large, it does not take long before one cannot see anything but the great boughs and the pine which covers the sun rays, many have lost their way here. The vastness of this boreal wilderness consumes all traces of life not born within it, ancient standing stones swallowed by the moss and hidden by the scrubber, the beautiful flowers purple growing on graves unmarked, this is no place for those not familiar with it, and it is a harsh teacher. For within it the great mooses and stags roam free, the great wolves of old hunt with cunning efficiency and those who dare wander too deep, may find worse things, old and wicked of bone and bough.   Once the woods bore the name of Alyzetra, by the druidic cults that communed with it, and the people who lived in Tingsted, honored and revered as the sacred forest, where the great spirit of the Stag would sleep. When the uprising came against the Scalian kingdom its most decisive battle was fought here in truth, though many have forgotten it, the battle of the thorn fields as it became known, for as the hour was darkest and the Norskjarg alliance seemed fated to fall, Asger begged his druids for aid and as the pact was forged, the branches of the mighty maples, swung with ferocious speed, breaking spine and skulls alike, the pine tree's roots sprouted from the earth like tendrils choking and dragging men to their graves, the gallow wood as it became known, for the corpses that hung by the trees, it was honored for a brief time, but to many, it was fate too cruel to respect.
Alternative Name(s)
Alyzetra, Stag Woods.
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