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House Asger

Asger has long been bannermen of house Stolbrand, loyal in service and dignified in their task. Though their lands have always been poor, they have never faltered in service to the Stolbrands, instead, they have found riches in war, serving in many campaigns in the far north and the more recent campaigns in Norak. The Asgerdite knights are well renowned for their fierceness and stubbornness in the face of the foe, as the backbone of any Ostfjorn Regiment, and its scions are schooled in military doctrine as taught by their renowned elders.   Asger now holds a rich opportunity to rise in the hierarchy, with house Dunrad being forced to relinquish their western claims, Asger now stewards them, having tasted the fruits of the lumber trade they are willing to give it up easily.   Lead by baron Harald Asger, though he has served as master of the house for the last 30 years, the man is not especially known for either his prowess or strategic aptitude. He is however well regarded within social circles as a public figure and host, both for private and public affairs. It is well known to many that the increased wealth of his house has taken a toll on his figure.   Recognized for their distinctive green and red heraldry of their garb meant to symbolize the forest of their home, and the blood of their family has shed. The code of arms is the rearing stag and three swords at its feet, the three proud brothers who rallied to the first king of the Fjallir.


The Asger house was a relativly small house until recently, though it was influencial it didnt hold estate nor any real power to expland. Thus being a member of House Asger wasnt about blood, but rather loyalty and history, when a house fortune was made on the battlefield, there had to be merit to the men you trusted to your bidding, thus it extensively adopted into the household, both ceremonially and through marriages, to keep power within the family.   Thus Asger house structure has always been very centralized around the Lord of the house, and his absolute rule, but also on the trust he could place on his bannermen to carry his will, this has changed, with Harald implementing what he called the Fyrst System, to make his council a solid ruling structure, with him as executive head, and his trusted bannermen as councilmen to advice him, and to rule his fiefs, those who do well are thusly rewarded.

Loyalty and Duty ; This is the life blood of a people.

Geopolitical, Great house
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