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Hrein Varnason (a.k.a. Longstrider)

Hrein was for most of his life huscarl to the Jotunn Amgadal, earning great glories in the name of Ur, to his Clan   he was often considered war-touched as he cared little for their ways and seemed more at home with the other tribes even. But with his fall so did his Folksammel. Hrein knew his clan would not have a place in the order, and begged them to leave behind their ancetral home, lest they be destroyed, most followed, some stayed.   For the last 20 years Hrien lead the clan southward as their most experienced warrior, plundering as they went to survive and during this time he has come to know his family in way few have, he fought and bleed to bring them south and then finally for their new home. There is nothing he will not do to ensure their protection. To his clan he is a serious man when he needs to get his point across, bot jovial and happy, boisterous even he takes great care to ensure they stay together and their needs are meet and being amongst the few who can speak the littlemens language he does much to ensure the tension between them doesn't boil over. Hrein is a man of great composure, but terrible fury, and near-boundless ferocity, one that has cost him dearly.
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