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The Industrious Karstelmar, once fervent ancestor worshippers who followed the old ways, attributing almost divine powers to the old empire of humanity, with power being derived from ancestry to the old families who could wield the ancient foundries to make incredible tools of both construction and war. With this came adherence to the philosophy known as the Chain, which dictated that prosperity can only be achieved by following in the path of those before you, by continuing to be a link in the chain, the will of the ancestors could be extended, to create an unbreakable people, by uniting purpose through obedience to the chain.   The karstelmar were always an industrious people, careful approach new ventures, but eagerly exploiting tested ground, dedication and hard work was the way of the land, for once the earth of Karstelmar was harsh and infertile, cruel even to its people. But stubbornness and determination saw the humble people raise crops here, and this eagerly translated into the burgeoning fires of industry, a flame that would only intensify with the coming of the Good king Korvand.   For when he came to the struggling Karstelmar, he showed the light of God, and those who converted saw their harsh lands turn fertile and lush, Karstelmar became the holy land and all bowed before the lord Raziel. Though a long process the Kasrstelmar would give their faith to the Gods, following in the example of the Good King Korvand, becoming his most fervent followers and the messengers and bearers of the Creed of Raziel.    

Social Heirarchy

  The Karstelmar has always had a strict caste system, even within the great noble houses, at the bottom are the merchants, who are considered unreliable and greedy at best, unlike dutiful and generous peasants, who obey their betters, for in Karstelm it is illegal for a peasant to leave the lands of noble without express permission, or buying what’s called a frianmark to denote that one has become an alsman, alsmen are peasants of status in all but technicality, it is considered a mark of honor, one that can be passed down if the noble permits it, showing that man has worked hard and is reliable, and more importantly, a man that is fit for military service within the knightly orders as a bondsman, above the mere soldiery and militia, bondsmen are squires and serve directly the great nobles either on horse or in the rare cases as crew to the machine-riders. Then are of course the priest, who is technically below the nobels, but that is only in power, for by many priests are viewed as direct envoys and servants of the kings and by extension Raziel. The nobels hold power because they’ve proven their worth through centuries of leadership, their authority stems from their bloodlines and their linages their tapestry of deeds as a whole make up the worth of the man, not the individual, that is a common notion in Korvlands.


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