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Northern Savor

The Great Fens and Swamps of Savor, are to most a horrible and damp place, but to it's people it is a harsh, but bountiful place, deceptive yet beautiful, water logged but lush. But for as harsh and dense as this land is, it harbors many gifts to those who know how to live there. To many Northern Savor is source of trouble, few can tame this land, and many of those who would flee the reach of the League have taken to calling it home.   The dense northern swamp is charecterized by it's shallow pugnant waters, from which the tall cyphress tree's stand and the beautiful tupelo trees breaking the otherwise stagnent green landscape, these trees and islands form a intricate maze in which many outsiders have ventured and never returned, either from the deadly fauna, natives or more naturally the land itself, is not easy to thrive in, disease is the great killer, known as the grey fever, a sickness of mind and soul as those afflicted begins to bleed from the nose, ears and in later stages eyes sockets   Amongst the waters are the important hammocks, small grassy islands providing vital living space in the depths of the marsh.


The Wetlands of Koleiko or the Northern Swamp of Savor, is the richest soil in the Savor Region, here large vegetation takes deep roots, in the Fen and Bogs of the land, It's waters mainly black and brackish hiding the teaming wild life that resides in the lands.  In many parts of the land the great Trees that grow here cast their branches and leafs downwards towards the water creating a blanket of above the waters.
Alternative Name(s)
Koleiko, The Great Fens, Højmosen.
Included Organizations


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