BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Auvkar, is more so akin to a way of life than a religion, expressed by the three Epitomes, the gods of the faith, who dictate what a good life to live is. Those dedicated to it's teachings are known as Incarnates, teachers of the way, in essence the closest one has to priest or preacher though they view themselves as teachers. It is their task to teach the flock and all they meet the virtues of the Epitomes and how to aspire to them, in a way that is not self destructive, for mortals cannot wholly incompatible the aspects of a god, without loosing themselves.  


Calium Teaches us to be loyal to ideals we deem worthy, no other creature, mortal or otherwise can force your heart or sword to move. So long as you make yourself a mountain for which the world can clash against, your life will be stable and pure, free to choose what is important to yourself. He teaches us the pursuit of strength, for the sake of strength itself, for only by being strong can you resist the physical forces of the world, resist the weight of worldly chains.  


Fennesia teaches us that ambition is no sin, that we must pursue that which sets our hearts on fire with all the will we posses, one must not shirk any tool in ones disposal for such a noble goal. She teaches us that that this world fundamental truth, is the struggle, the fight for more, for in this world there is not enough for all. Her greatest virtue is however that she teaches us not be afraid of ourselves and be true to ourselves, even when others frown.  


Feniké teaches us bravery, she teaches us to take chances when it may be uncertain, to weigh reward against risk, to weigh our fears against our desires. She teaches us to find stenght as a people, not only through our community, but also by personal ambition and betterment, to bring wealth and joys and to earn from others joy, is there any greater height to which one can aspire.  


Vennesia teaches us self reliance, the thrill and beauty of the hunt, to live in harmony and struggle with nature. The majesty of deadly home, is where we are honed, and by her guidance can be we thrive there, and by her teachings are the other gods wisdom possible, she is the mother of our people and our pillar, by her wisdom are the young guided to life and by her perseverance are we taught to fight for it.
Religious, Sect
Alternative Names
Church of the Three, The Rriumvirate
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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