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The Fireborn

The Suthrall Worship the Great Mountain god, who’s name is known only by the high priest, he likes his privacy you see, The people of the Drak Mountains have a very personal relation with their great mountain god, and thus few of them care for the gods we below the mountains give have grown to love. The mountain god is often depicted as a man made of fire, the flames having licked away his flesh to reveal a horned skeletal face. He is never depicted as menacing, but rather passive his skeletal face unmoving and uncaring to those who do not know his love.   The Great Mountain god is supposed to have created the first fires, and stoked the first flames, his forge fumes made the skies and settles as the snow upon the peaks, he is the great creator of the valley in which his blessed people live, though always distant his careful gaze is always upon his people, always judging them, for the great father of Suthrall is always grading his sons and daughters, and sparse rewards and words are his love to them.     The Great Mountain God stokes the flame of desire, and the flame of vengeance as does he calm them. He is what made the people(humanity) feel the burning desire and what makes our kin(The Suthrall) so loving of all things he deems great and it is he who put the fire of war In our hearts, for the great mountain god enjoys a good scuffle.   The Great mountain god finds his greatest enjoyment at the forge, creating great works and wonders for all times to come. For such works are eternal like the mountains, and so does who wish to please him and worship him should stoke the forge and smith in his name to great art and wonders of quality worthy of his name. His priest is the Forgemen, they wear simple aprons and tough cloths particle for their work, for they are smiths one and all, for that is how they sing his praise. When not at the forges they might wear ceremonial robes, of white and red to symbolize the forge fires, but mostly they prefer their forge wear. They will often go to war wearing their greatest works and wonders with little regard to uniform, besides their Warhammer, which they always engraved with the mark of the mountain god, a great mountain with a base of flames.   Those who excel enough in his worship to be able to perform his miracles are hailed as the greatest of holy men and treated with reverence and respect by all Suthrall . They are called a hearth-soul(acuill-cllar), for they are gifted with the inner fire of the forge god to call upon the flames of his mighty forge. It is a mighty flame in their hearts, one that they must master, it blazes and roars, and its wielder must temper this flame to wield it. The Highest of the order, the ones who may see the mountain god within his mountain are hailed as the Tempered, those who have tamed the roaring fire in their hearts.   The Highest of the order, the ones who may see the mountain god within his mountain are hailed as the Tempered, those who have tamed the roaring fire in their hearts.
Religious, Primacy
Related Ethnicities


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