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The Suthral is the estranged cousin of the people of Korval, though they share linage through the blood of Korvand the great mythical king. This tenuous bond has kept the otherwise two opposing cultures accepting of one another, for the people of Suthral are very different than the other korvali folk. They are like their cousins a martial people, but in the sense of shared military glory, but rather a strength at arms, the strength of a single man means much to the people of Suthral. But true respect is earned by determination, tenacity, and grim persistence, for what matters is not what a man has reached, but what he can reach if he never settles. Those are people worthy of respect for only they can reach their destiny as bestowed by the great father of the mountain.   To the Suthral leaders are supposed to merely guide their people for no man in their eyes can exert influence upon the chosen people of the mountain god, a strange god which they solely give their worship to, supposedly within the heart of the volcano which dominates their home resides their great fiery god, whom their priest serve as a link for, they practice strange religious doctrines and are very traditional and unyielding in these concepts. The only ones who may command them into battle are are the five kings as per the treaty and their chosen warrior bride, as they are called, people are supposedly chosen by the mountain god. To be his bride and lead their people in times of turmoil, though she mainly serves as a military figurehead.   The people of Suthral live mainly In rather isolated tribal communities with the few exceptions of the five major cities in which they commute. This is due to the rather harsh conditions upon which they live and the lack of food and good farming lands means that there are few places where they can gather in large numbers. Upon birth they are given ritual markings, which hold great personal importance to them, they do not easily share their meaning, as they see it as something extremely intimate, for only them and their father beneath the mountain. Supposedly people with matching markings are seen as wed people, somewhat strange and barbaric to most. The People of Suthral shave completely until they are wed, after which they may not cut their hair unless they are serving in the army.


Coming of Age Rites

    The Great Mountain God marks his sons and daughters upon the faithful day of the Marking Ceremony, were all the young each year on the mid year are brought to him and given their marks, with the love only a god can muster he carefully carves into their flesh whom they are, he sculpts them into great warriors to protect their homes, into artisans and lovers, and with insight only a god can muster does he mark their future and their future families. Or that’s how they tell it, suppose it doesn’t really matter if it’s priest or not, to the Suthrall it’s a highly private matter, and not something you tell to just friend. These "carvings" are the intriquete tatooes you see them spot, some of full body design others more specific.
— Diplomat Jastob of Frias
The Suthral are soon after their birth was taken to the great mountain to meet their maker the Mountain Father, where he carefully tattooed upon them, their destiny, it is said that all men speak with the Mountain Father, once born and once departed. The Great Mountain God marks his sons and daughters upon the faithful day of the Marking Ceremony, where all the young each year on the mid-year are brought to him and given their marks, with the love only a god can muster he carefully carves into their flesh whom they are, he sculpts them into great warriors to protect their homes, into artisans and lovers, and with insight, only a god can muster does he mark their future and their future families. Or that’s how they tell it, suppose it doesn’t really matter if it’s a priest or not, to the Suthrall it’s a highly private matter and not something you tell to just friend.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The Suthral believe the dead should be burned, something greatly at odds with most of the Korvali. Preferable all dead should be taken to the Great mountain, where they can be burned by the great father, and the flames they stoke be used to forge great tools for the people.
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