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The Sight Gifted Torbjorn

Born in the @Andals Torbjorn joined the Circle after the destruction of his home during the war, seeking a way to restore the life that was lost there. In time he would earn the respect of these new comers, teaching them to live in their new home within the Grueskog and the ways of their land, and helped ease them in with the locals, and they in turn would help heal by the wounds of his loss, and though it is an old chapter of his life, it is on that still aches in his heart.   In time they would choose him to lead the circle, and under his careful leadership they have earned a precarious spot in the world to call their home, tolerated by kingdom, so long as they remain obscure, friendly with the locals who often need their healing and aid with crops and at peace with the strange elves that live in the Grueskog.   Though some have begun to question his leadership, as he suddenly disappeared for nearly 2 months with many of the more radical members of the circle, and has refused to speak of what has transpired, dark whispers now surround the once blessed Torbjorn.
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