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The Andals is at the base of the great Eastern inlet, the Ostfjorn, like most of the northern lands it is a frigid place in the long and harsh winters, but beautiful during it’s brief summers and spring, a cold wind blows from the north all year, and the sun seems hard-pressed to show at times. Most civilization in the area clings to Ostfjorn, with smaller farming communities scattered in the region, most dominated by the old pine woods to the north and the birches of the south and west. The vast majority of the Andale is wild and untamed a true outskirt province, with little to offer besides its raw resources, but the inlet is of great importance, for trade with nations further north which has spurred on some development in the area.   Live here is gathered around the southern inlet and the eastern bank, before the great cliffs become too steep, such as the Gynia ’s jaws, it great rift torn into the cliff's edge, from which a river flows into the ocean from the mountain stream, men have since then made their home here, marking the third-largest harbor in the region, if only for its limited space given the difficulty of expanding the city.   Along the inlet one finds civilization has carved a path through the dense birch, and carved small farming communities here, though mainly the industry of fisher and lumber has home here, supporting the largest city in the region, while the further north one goes the forest becomes thicker and thicker, small communities exist here, carving small paths in the heavy forestation. When the great pines come into view, one is not far from the jarska mountain range, here the wilderness takes hold, except for the large garrison city near the great pass, the few people who live up here are hunters and those who wish to avoid the law, and whatever hapless tradesmen seek to trade further north and don’t have the gold for shipping rights.


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