Clifftop Observatory


The observatory at Stormwreck Isle that was originally built by Trifarihm and his associates.

Current Status


The observatory is mostly in ruins at this point with the roof of the building having collapsed long ago. Most walls are still standing, but the location is in a state of ruin. Surprisingly, the Orrery still works accurately, having recently shown the most recent meeting of the King-Killer star and Toril.


The observatory recently served as a base of operations for Sparkrender and his kobolds, and even as an ad-hoc prison for holding Aidron. However, once Sparkrender was fought off, his surviving kobolds did remain, at least for the time being.

Purpose / Function

The observatory was built due to the strong draconic magic influence allowing for the magic to be used for a new, powerful orrery to be built over the magical aura. This allows for even greater precision than ever before at the time.


While minor, the Observatory did have two light-bridges that could only be used with a special key, at least complicating any type of unwanted entry.
Founding Date
1019 DR
Alternative Names
The Observatory
Observatory / Telescope
Parent Location

Cover image: by IRPGuardian
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