Scene: Deliver Livi

Once the party arrives at Alfric's home, they are greeted by Pavera Ansusho and Chit Ansusho, parents of Livi Ansusho. Alfric has already called for their presense, knowing that they want closure of what has happend to their only son. Alfric then ushers everyone to the temple of Kelemvor.
  After a short walk to a local temple (assuming the party still has Livi's body in the cart), the clerics from the temple help prepare a service before Livi is sent back to his family's ancestral burial grounds outside of Baldur's Gate.
In the quiet chambers of the temple of Kelemvor, the air is thick with grief as Pavera and Chit, the Mother and Father of the Ansusho family, tenderly caress the lifeless form of their only son, Livi. The room is adorned with vibrant tapestries, now dimmed by the heavy shadows of mourning. Tears shimmer in the parents' eyes, reflecting the sorrow etched on their scales. As the clerics present Livi's body, the room resonates with a painful silence broken only by stifled sobs. The Ansusho's family's gratitude for the return of their beloved son is palpable, yet their sorrow is far from assuaged. In this moment of heartache, the grieving parents turn to the party, their eyes imploring the adventurers to let them greive as they now have the closure they've desired for their shattered family.
Completion Date
13 January 2024
Plot type
Related Locations

Cover image: by IRPGuardian