Event: Traveling to Neverwinter

Picking up right after the party went to Luskan, they now head to Neverwinter. Reiner Von Hardenberg mentions to the party that he got a letter from Heroes for Hire: NW Regional Office asking them to stop by the next time they're in Neverwinter.
Addionally, the following things have happend:
  • The basement is now dug out completely, so Myla and Laylee hang out with Sister Renzie when she's not busy.
  • Reiner explains: With the "renown" of knowing that HFH rescued Othizia and Renzie, and "discovering" the ruins that Rirlox inhabits, the Creaking meadery is starting to have slightly more visitors asking about what they do. Cateva is happy anyways.
  • He also wants to know what everyone is doing for MidSummer and Shieldmeet, explaining that everyone should have the day off, and a short explination of both if needed.
Once they're off, they'll going to do a few things, most importantly, delivering Livi, and Alys returning back to the archives. Then the party (hopefully) goes to HFH Neverwinter.
  Once they've finished at HFH:Neverwinter, Seraphina should have made it very clear they should work on their transportation form at the HQ. Then from there (depending on how long it took) can take a short contract, or start Quest: The Oakhurst Conspiracy.
Completion Date
13 January 2024

Articles under Event: Traveling to Neverwinter

Cover image: by IRPGuardian