Scene: First visit to HFH Neverwinter

Some clerical things that need to be addressed after first visiting the HFH Regional Office in Neverwinter.
  1. Seraphina Moonshadow explains how the whole thing works. (While you don't work directly under her, it's still in your best interests to give her audience if she requests it, since she's the first link between your franchise and corporate). Also, explains that all records go through her office before going to the main office.
  2. Also explain the licenced area and perks as part of your (Rank 2) franchise. With licenced area certain exceptions (sea travel, special contracts, inter-franchise requests) are allowed, but while in Neverwinter, you can't officially get any new HFH contracts. Only if HFH Neverwinter requests your service, then it's fair game. Also, she asks if you have had your transportation method picked for the location yet. If not, she'll say she can get some HFH folks to facilitate the installation. 
  3. Rhistel Faevyre gets a warrior sidekick (Intern Selection) (Zephrum too if he wants one)
Completion Date
13 January 2024
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Articles under Scene: First visit to HFH Neverwinter

Cover image: by IRPGuardian