Daniel Sulphur

Daniel Sulphur is a venerable and esteemed figure, currently holding the prestigious position of the head monk at the Stella Vespera Sanctuary. With The Sulphur Sage having fulfilled its ancient task, Daniel believes it is time to bring the sacred traditions and teachings of the Stella Vespera Temple back into the light. The necessity for secrecy has waned, prompting him to propose the re-establishment of the temple in Saido, this time openly and publicly.

However, Daniel faces a logistical challenge, as the once-sacred grounds of Calidas Island, where the temple once stood, have undergone a transformation. The island now home to The Calidas Island Day Spa and Thermal Pools, rendering it unsuitable for the revival of the temple. Undeterred, Daniel is determined to find a suitable location within Saido, where the spiritual essence of the Stella Vespera Temple can be rekindled and shared with the people.

As the head monk of the sanctuary, Daniel Sulphur shoulders the responsibility of preserving the ancient teachings and guiding the monks under his care. His vision of revitalizing the Stella Vespera Temple reflects his commitment to honour the past while embracing the future. With his wisdom and dedication, Daniel seeks to make the temple a beacon of enlightenment, accessible to all who seek spiritual guidance and solace.