Stella Vespera Sanctuary

The Stella Vespera Sanctuary was once a sacred loction beneath the Stella Vespera Temple before the temple was shifted into the Astral Plane. It is located deep below Calidas Island, nestled between the lava tubes and volcanic vents, The path to get here is dangerous and has become more and more difficult to reach as time passes and the path degrades, though the monks of the sanctuary do know many secret routes. The purpose of the sanctuary in the time after the banishment of the Stella Vespera Temple became to guide the hero Zolikz on their journey, particularly in relation to the protection and maintenance of the Threefold Seal.

Physically the Stella Vespera Sanctuary is a large cavern with terraced hot pools cascading down from the back of the cavern to the front. Built up minerals in pastel pinks, greens, reds and yellows cake the edges of the terraces creating small natural pools. The room smells strongly of rotten eggs from the volcanic gasses and steam from the pools reduces visibility. The cavern is lit by small glowing insects attached to the ceiling and walls as well as by bioluminescent fungus. It is typical for the monks that reside here to be seen relaxing in the pools, while others can be seen cleaning and tending to the glowing fungi. There is a ritual area at the bottom of the cascade of pools. The water collects into 2 carved channels that form semi circles that double back on themselves and then drain through iron grates in the floor at the edges of the cavern. The circular area between the 2 channels is ringed with stone pillars that reach up to the roof of the cavern. The centre of the circle has been carved into the ground to form a ring of seating with an unlit brazier in the middle. On each side of the cavern in the walls are carved doors, windows and terraces, some of which are carved out of the rock itself while others are made of ancient wood and metal which conceal various additional rooms and living quarters.
Room, Religious, Sanctuary

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