Law Reader

Law Readers are those that read and interpret the laws of the land. They act as representatives of those wealthy enough to afford them or to determine appropriate punishments for criminals and villains. Becoming a Law Reader takes many years of study and training to learn how to parse the myriad of laws and rules that have accumulated over time, a task that has been made exponentially more difficult as a result of The Law Giving. Due to the prevalence of villains and crime one may make the false assumption that Law Readers mostly deal the law as it relates to criminal wrongdoing, but in actual fact the vast majority of Law Readers work for wealthy corporations, businesses and individuals trying to find loopholes and exploit little known bylaws to gain an advantage over their competition or to increase their already vast sums of wealth. As a result of this Law Readers are concentrated in the richest districts of The Great City of Laststar such as Lords' Light or Erzenstadt.