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Clearwater is a natural phenomenon that occurs mostly on the surface of the ocean, as a result of newly formed submarine volcanoes on the sea floor in and around Aurrus Sais. Newly created fissures will breach the surface of the sea floor with an initial release of tremendous amounts of methane gas, dust, smoke, and smaller volcanic particles for several days preceding a lava flow event.   These volcanic particles have an unusual chemical interaction with the sulfur that gives the Aurrus Sais it's characteristic golden color, causing the seas around these eruptions to become clear. These currents of clear seas tend to be one to two hundred feet across, and will trail along the ocean currents for the better part of a mile before becoming sufficiently mixed with the surrounding seas.   Clearwater events are extremely dangerous to both boats floating on the surface of the seas, as well as to aquatic creatures living under the surface. The Methane gas mixed into the water of the seas drastically reduces the overall density of the water, which often causes surface ships to outright sink, unable to displace enough water for their weight. The methane gas rising out of the surface of the water also presents a small explosion hazard, open flames or sparks on the main decks of ships can ignite clouds of the gas. Most ocean dwelling creatures are unable to breathe underwater normally inside a Clearwater event, and will tend to avoid the choking plume.   Of notable exception to most aquatic creatures avoiding a Clearwater stream is the Cenna, whom seem to be drawn to the Clearwater. During a recent research expedition by Credence, a Myrtik member of the Cartographers guild while on board a charter vessel, the Revival, different pods of Cenna were drawn towards a Clearwater event from dozens of miles away. The pods of Cenna would then swim on the perimeter of the Clearwater, occasionally one member of the pod would break away from the group and swim through the Clearwater. Swimming through the gaseous water seemed to agitate the Cenna, as individuals that had recently swum through would become significantly more aggressive, regularly snapping and biting at other members of the pod, and sometimes leap out of the water to try and grab the flying Cha'ari observing the pod. Both behaviors not typically exhibited by Cenna outside of Clearwater events.  


Clearwater events are visually striking amongst the golden colored water of the Aurrus Sais, and can be spotted by a watchful lookout well before the ship reaches the stream. The gas itself is primarily composed of Methane, and is thus odorless to most Humans and Humanoids. Only the Myrtik and Kegani have the olfactory organs needed to detect the presence of the gasses which cause Clearwater, and can do so from beyond the horizon. Though they are often only able to detect the gasses when approaching the Clearwater from the Helward direction.

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