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Mu, The First Capital (Myoo)

In the days when Venus was an untamed planet, the Atlanteans were first beginning their plans for how to claim the planet for their own. In their arrogance, they assumed that they could do what no native species had managed to do: establish a stable and functioning city of significant size on the planet. They chose a relatively uninhabited and safe area to found their new capital, a small island near the Barrier Mountains. By using a combination of magic and advanced sciences, the new capital of Mu was erected in just a few weeks time. However, they would find that building the city would be the easy part.   The long daylight hours could be tolerated by the buildings, but the Priests and Builders who were completing the city found the excessively long heat of the day and unbearably cold nights to be too much to handle for their sensibilities. As such, they spent the few years that they lived in Mu constantly trying to find a solution to their problem. Over the years, many different solutions were proposed, and some even implemented, but the downfall of the city would come when one of these solutions ended up going awry.   Its not known exactly how things got so out of hand, but on one day after a long night as the sun was rising, the sorcerers at The Arcanum began a ritual alter the rotation of the planet to bring it more in line with the rotation speed of the Earth. While initially it seemed like their spell was a great success, it soon began to spiral out of control. As the sun looked as if it was speeding across the sky, the planet itself was in disarray. The oceans began to swell with tsunamis, the temperature rose and fell dramatically causing violent storms, and the ground itself began to shake. As the inhabitants of the city began to flee, the leaders of the Arcanum stayed to witness the destruction they had wrought upon the world.   Unfortunately, the powerful magicks that they had unleashed could not be undone, so instead they sought to try to contain everything before the planet was destroyed. Try as they might, there was only one solution they could find with the time they were allotted. In their desperation, they knew that they had to save Venus even if they couldn't save the city. Taking their places, the leaders of the city fled to the borders of the city to perform one last ditch spell with the leader of the Arcanum remaining in the tower. At the cost of the sorcerers, the planet was saved, but Mu met a terrible fate.   The city of Mu never freed itself from the accelerated time cycle that was supposed to save it. Instead, it is caught in an endless loop. Mu is in a time bubble, repeating the same dozen hours over and over again. Anything that enters the city that wasn't there when the loop began is perfectly safe until the loop ends where then it vanishes without a trace. A few things have been scavenged from the city. When removed from the city, they no longer appear at the beginning of the time loop, but at a cost. Every removed item is replaced with a rippling time anomaly that obliterates everything it touches. Its been theorized that if these anomalies grow too many in number that they could breach the city and take Venus, and everything else, with them.  
Inhabitants   Mu did not exist as a fully functioning city for very long and as such, never had what could be called a permanent population. During the few years that Mu existed as a proper city, it was mostly occupied by Priests, though even some Builders were present during the construction. However, even thought the city was built largely using magicks and advanced technologies, the Priests saw fit to put their newly created races to work as well and as such the city had a small, but significant population of mehune and xyel-ya. During the time the city was active, it largely resembled Atlantis proper and as such, was largely indistinguishable from it were it not for its location.   Little existed in the city that wasn't directly related to how the city functioned. Most of the Priests and few Builders in the city worked extensively in parts of the city related to food, energy, and other essential functions. This is one of the major reasons that Mu resembled Atlantis. As all of the time in the city was spent towards setting it up, it was never allowed to develop its own culture.     However, even within these times, thats not to say that communities don't develop. While each group was constructing the city and working on their own solution to the problem of Venus' rotation, they would grow into their own isolated communities that would go on to become segmented into cliques, mirroring the same situation that had happened between the castes in Atlantis.    When Mu was undergoing its cataclysmic event, the vast majority of the citizens fled from the city. The only exceptions were some of the mages of the Arcanum and some of the workers who were unable to escape in time from working too deep within the city. Now, they remain the only residents of the city, unable to leave as they remain trapped in the loop. Some, like those aware of the Arcanum's plan, are fully aware of their fate and accept it was grim burden. Others, like those who were too deep in the city to escape, continue to try to escape every loop, unaware that they've repeated these actions for millennia. Some are worse off than others, remaining trapped behind locked doors from which screams and battering will be heard forever more.

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