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The Golden Graap

Birthday Celebrations

The Golden Graap is a family owned restaurant located within The Swill district of Cherut Das. The Restaurant has been operated by the human family, The Montoyas, for eight generations.   Best known for it's fervor and dedication to birthday celebrations. The faintest mention that someone at your table is celebrating their birthday that day will launch the staff into a roughly 18 minute parade of song and dance around the tavern. At the conclusion of which the lucky birthday celebrant is given a personal sized birthday cake and a festive paper hat indicating that the wearer celebrated their birthday at The Golden Graap.  


Domingo Montoya is the latest in a long line of Montoyas to have proven themselves worthy of running the Golden Graap. He inherited the leadership sixteen years ago from his Aunt, Selena Montoya. In Montoya family tradition, Domingo left Cherut Das for an adventure to seek a new and rare tchotchke to display on the wall, and eventually returned triumphant. He returned with a eye-patch adorned with a silver snake over his left eye, and a tattered battle flag from an mysterious faraway land.   Domingo is fiercely loyal to his principles, exuberantly friendly, charismatic, and has a commanding presence over the restaurant. He has gained the respect of friend and foe alike, often with ferocious abilities in battle. Few start trouble within the Golden Graap, but Domingo is quick to end it. He is a successful businessman and The Golden Graap has flourished through his years in it's leadership.


Seaweed Soup $
In the back of the tavern is the famous Golden Graap Perpetual Stew. Topped off daily with a secret blend of 11 herbs and spices, and several varieties of seaweed that serves as the base to the stew. A fillet of the catch of the day can be added to a serving at a small additional cost.   Snared Cod $$
Two fillets of roasted cod covered in a sauce made from fermented Ango Vine, served on top of a bed of pasta and beets. Precisely how much Ango Vine leaf is in the sauce, and whether or not the dish will actually get you snared is a topic of intense discussion from already drunk or snared patrons at the bar.   The Flight of Isarus $$$
A 4 pound ribeye of Isarus steak marinated in a garlic sauce with mashed potatoes, and a plate of vegetables. Patrons able to complete the dish in one sitting are given a commemorative hat with miniature Isarus wings on its side.

Contents & Furnishings

Every inch of the walls, and an appreciable percentage of the ceiling of the Golden Graap is covered in kitsch decorations. Artwork, tintype photos, plaques, awards, weapons, mounted fish, and all manner of tchotchkes can be found on display. Part of the draw to the establishment is the stories behind the various pieces, as upon paying for your meal, patrons are allowed to ask their server about the story behind one piece upon the wall. For most of the pieces, the story is made up by the server, but for a select few pieces, there is a established lore that is rarely deviated from.  

Stuffed Cenna

Suspended from the ceiling down the center of the restaurant, directly above the main bar, is the stuffed body of an exceptionally large Cennna, expertly preserved by a skilled taxidermist. The body has been on display for several years, but even still, patrons both drunk and sober will sometimes swear that they saw a tentacle twitch, or an eye look around the room. It is said that the Cenna was already hung on the ceiling of the building when it was first bought by the Montoya family. It's origins are otherwise unknown.  

Unknown Flag

A slightly battle worn flag hangs above the center of the main bar. It is two horizontal black stripes on the top and bottom-most edge, with two light blue stripes, and a white stripe in the center. Also in the center is a black outline of an eagle, two red six-pointed stars, and the silhouette of a cannon. None of the patrons or staff know where the flag came from, or how Domingo came into possession of it, though there are as many rumors about it as there are birthday celebrations. Should one happen to ask Domingo about the flag, he will close his one good eye and reminisce for a moment before stating that it "is a magical place", and then wipe away a tear. He refuses to elaborate further.  

Orichalcum Bells

Hanging above the main door from which the Birthday Parades begin from, is a set of beautiful Orichalcum bells. They are engraved with a series of High Atlantean runes, none of the staff know the meaning to. The bells have an almost magical ability to not be loud, but are still able to be heard by everyone in the room, no matter how raucous the bar is at the time.  

Giant Hermit Crab Claw

Mounted to the wall on the Sky-facing side of the building, is a hermit crab claw, a full Ya in length. The claw is decorated with gilded trim along each piece of the exoskeleton, and has several glittering gemstones embedded along it's length. Often the subject of rumors, due to it's similarities to Kegani Royalty. When asked, the staff all respond with the same prepared statement about the claw being "a simple crab claw, notable only for it's size and decoration. Any relation or similarity of the claw to any persons, living, dead, or possessed, is purely coincidental." Patrons who press for more information, or attempt to inspect the claw too closely, are told by the staff that they cannot, legally, provide any more information, and are legally required to discourage any attempts of patrons to investigate further. Continued escalation results in being removed, and possibly banned, from the Golden Graap.  

Very Wide Brimmed Hat

Sitting atop a light fixture near the service counter is a ostentatiously wide brimmed hat with a deep conical crown. It has a dark purple ribbon around the base of the brim, and the crown is slightly folded back at a gentle angle. Attached to the ribbon are a series of skulls, bones, and totems whose meaning is known only to the creator. Careful inspection of the hat reveals a tag on the inside that declares the hat to have been made at "Max and Ra'Darr's Fine Haberdashery and Chronomatons" in the city of Mu, on a date that is always precisely six years prior.

Enormous Broadsword

Hung vertically within near the entrance is a extremely large steel sword. From tip to handle, it is a full Ya long, with a single edged large blade around a foot wide. The bladed edge is a lighter grey color in contrast with the dark grey of the rest of the blade. The hand-guard appears to be bolted or riveted in place, and there are two spherical holes through the spine of the sword just above the hand-guard. The sword is said to be a gift to Ernesto Montoya, the third proprietor of the family business, by an ex soldier friend who had frequented the bar.
Alternative Names
The Happiest Place on Hesper
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant

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