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Vekra is both the name of a native bush, and an aromatic beverage made from its roots, first cultivated and prepared by the native Thora. It is typically prepared by pouring near-boiling water over shredded roots of the Vekra Bush that have been cured and dried. Often combined with fruits or sugar for sweetening, it is a favorite drink of most Hesperians, and holds significant cultural significance to the Thora that first cultivated it.  


Vekra has huge variety in flavor, aroma, body, and effects on the drinker depending on the species of Vekra Bush that it was harvested from, the conditions under which it was grown, the preparation method, and the temperature/duration of the curing process that the raw roots of the bush underwent.


The Ara-Ara, or "Gold-Gold" variety is the most common, and takes its name from the Aurrus Sais that it grows next to. It tends to have the highest caffeine content, comparable to an Asuran cup of coffee, and is widely used as a start to the day for most Hesperians. It is full bodied and often lightly citrus flavored, with some cultivars having notes of honey or caramel.

Ruga (Roo-Juh)

Ruja, or "Red" Vekra is produced by a type of bush that only grows in the hotter and more arid environments across Hesper, and is unique among Vekra as it contains Capsaicin. Vekra made from this variety tends to have has a deep nutty and spicy flavor, and is often blended with hot peppers or spices to emphasize these characteristics. Some traditions hold this Vekra as a pseudo lie-detector, believing that the hot spice flavors are overwhelming to those telling a lie. Vekra Ruja is popular among Cha'ari who are unbothered by the heat from the Capsaicin. Kegani and Myrtik suffer wildly different (and sometimes unpredictable) effects from this capsaicin, and most Vekra Domos will not serve them a drink that contains Ruga.

Solano (Sow-lah-no)

Solano Vekra is made from dried, but un-cured (or very lightly cured) Ara Ara roots. Taking it's name from the blue-violet color of the roots before the curing process, this type of Vekra is known for a light and delicate flavor and low caffeine content. It tends to have a slight sweetness, which is usually emphasized by adding a fruit blend or a spoon-full of honey, to the cup. Solano is traditionally served as a dessert after a formal meal.

Ombro (Owm-Bro)

Shade Vekra is a cultivar of the Vekra bush that has adapted to the colder low light conditions on the Sky-side of the planet. It is less popular due to lower availability because of drastically increased growing times, but has enough dedicated drinkers that most Vekra Houses will carry at least one blend. Unlike the other varieties of Vekra, Ombro is extremely dark in color and flavor. It has a rich and full bodied chocolate bitterness, sometimes augmented with dark fruits like cherry or currants.

Stones Throw Style

Residents of Stone's Throw have made a name for themselves with a unique blend of Ruja Vekra and a blend of aromatic herbs, spices, sweetener, and steamed milk to produce a rich and creamy drink that achieved popularity across Hesper.  

Erras Das Style

The people of Erras Das have bred a unique cultivar of the Vekra plant within their Biosphere. It is also prepared uniquely, much to the chagrin of more "authentic" Vekra drinkers. In Erras Das, the cured Vekra is not boiled, but placed into a jug of water and left in the sun for a full day. Once fully steeped, the Vekra Roots are removed and an offensive amount of sweetener is added and the drink is served chilled.


Gojo style is not a style that you will find in authentic or proper Vekra Domos, as it is a blend of leafy Ango Vines and Vekra to create a more palatable flavor, and a more mild effect. Most Vekra Houses will not serve Humans any drink that contains Ango Vine.  

Vekra Domo

  A Vekra Domo or "Vekra House" is a common sight all across Hesperian communities and city-states. Particularly common in Thora communities, these cafes primarily serve a wide variety of blends of Vekra. Nearly every Vekradomo has a house blend that they are very proud. Curing is typically done on-site, and so the pleasant aromas of the curing Vekra, drinks being made, and baked goods fresh out of the oven will spread around the community, drawing in customers from blocks away.  

Vekra Rito

Vekra Rito is the collective term for a set of cultural ceremonies involving a ceremonial preparation and consumption of the Vekra drink. The primary traditional ceremonies within the Vekra Rito are:   Vekra Tagiĝo (Tahg'-eejo)
Traditionally performed by a Thora community at first light as they awaken from their night-time hibernation. This ceremony involves two prominent members, often the oldest and youngest within the community, preparing a large single container of Vekra which is passed around to all members.   Vekra Aliĝo (Ah-lee'-jo)
A long and formal ceremony that is traditionally performed during a wedding. There are some less romantic variations of this ceremony that are performed as a part of formal agreements, signing contracts, or major business deals.   Vekra Amikeso (Ah-meekuh'-so)
A very casual and friendly ceremony, traditionally performed among friends during special occasions. This ceremony is almost always performed with Ara Ara Vekra, and concludes in a vigorous toast where the glasses of all involved are clinked together. Spilling Vekra on oneself in this toast is considered to be good luck, and so some are more enthusiastic in this toast to nudge the hand of fate. The drinks in this ceremony are often spiked with alcohol.

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