2021-04-17: Discovery of the Pit

General Summary

After resting for a week at camp, the party decided to explore the south of the camp and the nearby parts of the cold desert. The party went south from the camp to the most southern lake in the cluster, then traveled east to desert after an evening of rest. When there, they went southeast. They encountered some Vespoids and two Anteka, whom they took care of rapidly. They harvested the Anteka and gathered some hides, hooves, and antlers.   When the party proceeded southeast, they discovered a single sandstone tower by the edge of a large pit of unknown depth. They descended into the pit and found a room carved into the wall of the pit with an ancient teleportation circle. Vespoids and horntaurs were lying in wait and fought the party. During the battle, Sharn discovered a small token to an unknown figure made of brass or bronze.   The next room had a pit trap, which the party used ropes to traverse. They then found a shrine to an unknown demiurge, which pulsed radiant light to ward off the party as intruders. Behind the shrine was a room of stone beds and corpses of what appeared to be orc-like people, dead for thousands of years. Their bones were pitted with acid and there were signs of the necrotic moss on their remains.   The party inspected the neighboring room and found a stone desk and, behind it, a wall of delicate and mostly decayed scrolls. The next room was a Vespoid Queen flanked by two Vespoids, which attacked with acidic gas and paralyzing stings. The party found their resources pushed to the limit, so they returned to the camp to report on the archaeological find and the resources found on the peregrination.   The session ended with the party reaching level 3 and the Errant Merchant making an appearance to introduce himself.

Rewards Granted

The party identified resources and sights on the exploration.   The party members earned (per person)
  • 64gp + 6sp for all of the resources found.
  • 18gp for the teleportation circle.
  • 11gp for the shrine.
  • 11gp for the brass or bronze token.
  • 11gp for the Vespoid Queen's body.
  • 20gp for the site of the deep pit.
Report Date
17 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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