Quintessence Crystals

Formally known as ĉielokristalo, quintessence crystals are crystallized magic that is part of the cycle of renewal for the caelus materia field.   Almost all civilizations hold quintessence crystals in high regard. They have a unique ability to hold and sustain enchantments for a very long period of time. While any type of crystal can hold any type of enchantment, some have a higher affinity for some sigils (base language of enchanting) than others.   A standardized size of crystal is about 1 bekah in mass, which could make a crystal sphere of about 0.015 fl in radius or a cube 0.024 fl along one side (about 2.8 grams; a sphere of about radius 4.5 mm, or a cube with a side of 7.2 mm).   There are three main categories of crystal purity. Poor purity is the most common state for crystals and is usually about 75% of found crystal. It has imperfections, cracked facets, or other minerals in the structure. It is very difficult to raise a poor purity crystal in quality, but is commonly used in jewelry. Ritual purity is the next most common and is usually about 20% of found crystal. It has few imperfections and few impurities and is of a quality useful in spellcasting and ritual magic. Artifice is the rarest purity and is usually about 5% of found crystal. Artifice purity crystal has virtually no impurities and there are no detected imperfections. It is a perfect crystal to enchant into a permanent magical item and artificers will not settle for lower quality.   In addition to purity, a jeweler can carefully cut a quintessence crystal to try and shape it for different purposes. Depending on their skill, a jewelry or art cut can increase a crystal's value by a factor of about 2× to 10×. If the cut was for artifice and enchantments, a skilled jeweler can increase the value of the crystal by a factor of about 3× to 6×. It is difficult to cut quintessence crystal without shattering it or damaging the structure and lowering it a purity grade.   All values assume 1 bekah of uncut, poor purity crystals. Ritual purity crystal can increase the value by a factor of about 2×. Artifice purity crystal can increase the value by a factor of about 5×.   A word of warning: using magic on a quintessence crystal is incredibly risky business. A direct spell generates a significant amount of malpuro kvinesenco and can destroy the crystal if not already enchanted. Because of this, quintessence-specializing jewelers and artificers will keep their raw crystal work areas and tools as magic-free as possible.


Physical & Chemical Properties

A fascinating property of quintessence crystals is their ability to grow. If in the right environment rich in magic, a small piece of crystal (called a seed) can grow and thrive. If left untouched and in an ideal environment, the crystals can perpetually grow (although they do slow down). In nature, crystals can spontaneously form from the ambient caelus materia field, which has never been replicated in a laboratory setting.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Most quintessence crystals folks see are used as minor decorative elements in jewelry. Arcanists and scribes will use the quintessence crystals in their ritual casting and spells. Artificers will use the rarest and most pure crystals to form permanent enchantments.   Recent developments in neviditajology has allowed arcanists to substitute most costly and consumed material components in spells and rituals with an equivalent value of ritual purity (or better) quintessence crystals. Earlier, such a substitution performed without expertise could produce unintended side effects, but more modern techniques have mitigated this drawback.

Cultural Significance and Usage

For many folk, quintessence crystals are the key to a prosperous future and a symbol of wealth. Only the most rich and powerful have access to the crystals. For some, like Susalo and many genasi cultures, the crystals are considered sacred and artifice that uses them is taboo.


No successful refinement process has increased the quality of a quintessence crystal. Every attempt has actually lowered the quality or destroyed it entirely.


When a quintessence crystal is destroyed, it can damage the caelus materia field around it for a time proportional to the mass of the crystal. Different crystals will have different effects on the ambient magic.

Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of harvesting quintessence crystals is not fully understood. Arcanists know that they are key to the cycle of renewal for the caleas materia field, but there are conflicting studies regarding whether or not using them for artifice prevents the generation of malpura from malpuro kvinesenco.

Reusability & Recycling

Once enchanted, most crystals are unable to be reused or the enchantment altered. The exception is feric crystals, which do lose their enchantment over time and can be reused.


Trade & Market

Different purities and cuts can be sold in markets across Hillit. The largest supplier is from mines and harvesters in the United Halla Alliance, which can sell almost any cut and purity needed to artificers and jewelers. Their service is fairly expensive, though, and largely inaccessible by the majority of the economy.


Raw quintessence crystals are normally stored in lead boxes lined in sacred wood to help isolate the delicate crystals from outside magic.

Law & Regulation

In the United Halla Alliance, as part of a treaty with Susalo, all crystals must be harvested by certified and ethical miners and experts. It is difficult to gain the certification and there are capped quantities that can be harvested for each purity.

Types of Crystals

Very rare
No singular odor, but many report hints of whatever they desire
No taste, but there is often a shocking sensation when touching a tongue
7.44×104 bi·fl-3 (1.86 g·cm-3)
Common State
Cristalline structure


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