Dakurakolan Caste System

The Dakurakolan caste system (formally the pend drgard (/pɛnd drgaːr/ , order of stone in Gwlasian) is a layered hierarchy of social and ethnic classes.  
When a citizen of Dakurakol is born into a caste, it is exceptionally rare for them to migrate to a higher ranked caste. More often than not, they stay in the rank of the lowest caste of their parents.
A citizen can petition to rise to a higher caste through a lengthy process by
  1. Finding a patron of the target caste to guide them.
  2. Learning the robust history and politics of the caste.
  3. Completing a feat of glory for the target caste.
  4. Being judged by a tribunal of caste elders who decide the worth of the petitioner.
It can take five to ten years to rise to a higher caste and is an expensive process. Most don't consider it a realistic option -- it is too much.


The pend drgard is an ancient and deeply venerated tradition for Dakurakol. The entire society is based on the assumption of responsibility and duties inherent in the system.


The pend drgard has been a part of Dakurakol since its earliest written history, albeit with fewer levels. Over the years, new castes have been created when one caste became overburdened with multiple crucial tasks. That caste split under its responsibility and formed new divisions of power to better manage its expectations.
Geopolitical, Clan
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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