Minor Demiurges

The Celestial Pantheon has many demiurges that are rarely worshiped by mortals as a patron deity.

Emotives, Demiurges of Emotion and Response

The emotives, formally the medemu (/ˈmedemu/), are the demiurges of emotion and expression. They crafted the first emotional responses mortals can feel and respond with, and they dance when a mortal feels something new. Currently, they observe moments tied to their first emotions, but rarely interfere or influence the world. The emotives are roughly understood to be 33 entities:  
  • Ecstasy
  • Joy
  • Serenity
  • Love
  • Admiration
  • Trust
  • Acceptance
  • Submission
  • Terror
  • Fear
  • Apprehension
  • Awe
  • Amazement
  • Surprise
  • Distraction
  • Disapproval
  • Grief
  • Sadness
  • Pensiveness
  • Remorse
  • Loathing
  • Disgust
  • Boredom
  • Contempt
  • Rage
  • Anger
  • Annoyance
  • Aggressiveness
  • Vigilance
  • Anticipation
  • Interest
  • Optimism
  • Despair

Landshapers, Demiurges of the World Craft

The landshapers, formally the kinkhruyavu (/ˈkinχʁujavu/), are the demiurges who shaped the physical world from the primordial storm into land, sea, and air. Once their task was done, they've largely adapted to new roles or have continued to refine their craft in seclusion. Their names aren't largely individually known, but their groups are. The landshapers include the groups known as the:  
  • Tutsau, the kinkhruyavu demiurges who shaped the ground, rock, and depths.
  • Huleu, the kinkhruyavu demiurges who shaped the sky, clouds, and weather.
  • Luknau, the kinkhruyavu demiurges who shaped the oceans, rivers, lakes, waves, and tides.
  • Kmamu, the kinkhruyavu demiurge swho shaped the snow, ice, glaciers, and frost.
  • Tatu, the kinkhruyavu demiurges who shaped the trees, grasses, bushes, leaves, and plants.
  • Zmuhou, the kinkhruyavu demiurges who shaped the beasts, insects, animals, and creatures.
  • Yikudu'alu, the kinkhruyavu demiurges who shaped the mushrooms, slimes, and fungi.
The landshapers are distinct from the Spirit Pantheon, who maintain the natural order.  

Whoratz, Demiurges of Aging and Growth

The demiurges of aging and growth, formally the whoratz (/whoraʦ/), monitor and ensure the growth of a living being. They oversee the periods of experience people face due to their age, how the body changes, and sometimes considered guardians of people in their sphere of influence.  
  • Nokhou, the whoratz demiurge of infancy.
  • Shevu, the whoratz demiurge of childhood.
  • Dagmau, the whoratz demiurge of pubescence.
  • Zmukhiu, the whoratz demiurge of adulthood.
  • Hotu, the whoratz demiurge of elders.

Convalesci, Demiurges of Health and Medicine

The convalesci, formally the dvusatzu (/ˈdvusaʦu/), are the demiurges who monitor and advise mortals on healthy practices. While they rarely deal with magical healing (which is more in the realm of Lelan, they do work with them.  
  • Megayu, the dvusatzu demiurge of hygiene and cleanliness.
  • Zmuvkhotzu, the dvusatzu demiurge of rest and recuperation.
  • Aneu, the dvusatzu demiurge of medicine and cures.
  • Dvamatzu, the dvusatzu demiurge of recovery and healing.

Afflatus, Demiurges of Creativity and Musing

The afflatus, formally the shammnatzu (/ˈʃamnaʦu/), are the demiurges of inspiration, arts, and revelations. They assist mortals by shining divine light upon their problems and aiding the solution process passively.  
  • Kvetu, the afflatus demiurge of stories, poetry, and epics.
  • Avkhuditu, the afflatus demiurge of history.
  • Ashu, the afflatus demiurge of music and songs.
  • Khutokatzu, the afflatus demiurge of dance.
  • Eyetzu, the afflatus demiurge of tragedies.
  • Ohu, the afflatus demiurge of arcana.
  • Kosu, the afflatus demiurge of praise and worship.
  • Dvaru, the afflatus demiurge of painting, sculpting, and the crafting arts.
  • Ketzu, the afflatus demiurge of violence, combat, and the cruel arts.

Strifes, Demiurges of Struggle and Conflict

The strifes, formally the olmigatzu (/ˈolmiɡaʦu/), are the demiurges of strife, struggle, conflict, and challenges. They crafted and oversee the troubles mortals can face. Some versions of their stories have some of the strifes shaping and interacting with the ten vile planes of obstruction. It is unclear what their motivations are.    
  • Logidu, the olmigatzu demiurge of dread and terror.
  • Zitavetzu, the olmigatzu demiurge of inflexibility.
  • Omnohatzu, the olmigatzu demiurge of apathy.
  • Ishbatzu, the olmigatzu demiurge of self-destruction.
  • Shamhilatzu, the olmigatzu demiurge of attachment.
  • Dalotzu, the olmigatzu demiurge of fury.
  • Ayaratzu, the olmigatzu demiurge of obsession.
  • Imgeu, the olmigatzu demiurge of lies.
  • Lomtzotzu, the olmigatzu demiurge of pride.
  • Menou, the olmigatzu demiurge of inner darkness.
  • Amefshahu, the olmigatzu demiurge of discord.
  • Ofatzu, the olmigatzu demiurge of cruelty.
  • Who'onetzu, the olmigatzu demiurge of brutality.


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