On the Nature of Culture

"The greatest route to understanding the self is to understand others." - Gruffi Lozla, Author
  A popular text on concepts used to understand cultural differences.

Historical Details


Anthropologist Lozla was a human anthropologist who dedicated her life to understanding the nature of culture across the fairly contained space of Whohe Dvuha. Over her journey, she worked on defining a few terms to help describe cultural differences. Many anthropologists after her have expanded on her ideas and use her work to help foster communication and diplomatic treaties.

Public Reaction

Initially, the public dismissed Anthropologist Lozla's work.


Anthropologist Lozla's work is required reading for the diplomatic corp in the United Halla Alliance.

Much of the information in this text is based on real sociological and anthropological ideas. The following are sources that I used to help develop it in context of Hillit.
Text, Philosophical
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date
4 AR


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