
hadak zokh (/hadak zoχ/ , returning spirit)   Aasimars are a rare but powerful race who primarily comes from Atina. Their origin is hazy and shrouded deeply in the politics of the pantheons, but their accepted origin is that the gods blessed a few souls to reincarnate repeatedly and share a fragment of their prior lives as a spiritual guide in the form of an inner deva. Aasimars tend to be naturally devout, stoic, and have an air of stillness that is almost statuesque.   Little is truly known about the Aasimar race. Some say they are incarnations of celestial spirits given mortal form. Others say they are specially blessed people who can remember every past life they had and see into the past lives of others. There are even rumors that aasimar have some form of direct connection with the celestial gods and demiurges. They rarely explain their nature to outsiders.   Brasi and Atina have announced that there are approximately 1,000-1,500 Aasimar at all times, but no other organization has confirmed that number.

Basic Information


Aasimar physiologically resemble tall, beautiful humans. There are key differences, most notably the skin.   Aasimar skin is usually one of five vibrant hues: silver-white (almost pearlescent), golden-brass, copper-red, sparkling blue, or obsidian black. The aasimar also features natural markings on their skin that are usually bold, simple lines and patterns. Rarely, an aasimar will be born with a copper-orange skin and black markings that are jagged, almost resembling that of a tiger.   The aasimar body has no natural hair on it. The eyes are an opaque white.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aasimar are unique in that they do not reproduce. Instead, an aasimar appears fully formed and adult in a sacred location, virtually always within the borders of Atina. They do not seek to produce their own children, since their species does not rely on reproduction like other sentients. Their bodies are crafted by the Celestial pantheon and the Cyclical pantheon and their souls will almost assuredly reincarnate into another aasimar's body after death.   Very rarely, an aasimar will commit great sins and transgressions during their life. If the action was horrendous but not unforgiveable, the aasimar will reincarnate into a body with orange skin and black, jagged markings. This is a sign that they need to pursue a virtuous life and resume the spiritual way of their people. If they fail to, or if the sins they committed are truly unforgivable, they will reincarnate as a rakshasa elsewhere in the world.

Growth Rate & Stages

The aasimar ages uniquely compared to other species. They appear fully-formed and adult in sacred locations and do not have an adolescence. They enter the world with a level of understanding and awareness that suggests a basic education.   A typical aasimar could reach the following milestones:
  • Adulthood at year 0
  • Death from old age at year 150

Ecology and Habitats

Aasimar do well in warm and temperate environments.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Aasimar tend to favor vegetarian or plant-heavy diets. They can and sometimes do eat meat.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Aasimar faces are chiseled and statuesque.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aasimar's clouded eyes are able to pierce the darkness better than a human can, but are otherwise comparable with human senses.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Aasimar can communicate with memories of their past lives and their most prominent past self is refered to as an inner deva.
150 years
Conservation Status
Aasimar are exceptionally rare, but the population is steady.
Average Height
Males are typically 6.3 fl. Females are typically 6.1 fl.
Average Weight
Aasimar vary widely in weight, with a decent range of 10 to 20 kobi (155 - 310 lbs).
Average Physique
Aasimar are formed with a fit, athletic physique. They tend to retain a healthy physique throughout their life.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Aasimar have distinct skin colors and markings. Most of their skin has a metallic or iridescent sheen to it.


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