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"The land does not care for your words, herald. It is Volksaar, the 'forge of tribes'. Hone your own steel...or become fodder for the Wyrms."

Zuurlkhan, Warlord of the Ashclaws
Volksaar is an unforgiving and brutal land with a bloody history. Previously known as Sihlo'dihiir, its recent renaming is that under the Saaran, who now hold the majority of political and territorial control of the regions. Residing in the Southern hemisphere, Volksaar's surface is dominated by vast deserts that surround its mountainous center. Volksaar is connected to both Nakrazhul and Pamyria by large land bridges in the North and West respectively and borders Londuror by the Serpent's Strait in the Northeast.    


  Volksaar's borders are politically defined, ending abruptly at the mouth of the Khrita landbridge connecting to Nakrazhul and the majority of the Temital Expanse connecting to Pamyria. Geographical markers have been noted as the Fanged Gate and the Fenyx Desert respectively to the North and West. The larges islands known as the Severed Isles are also considered part of Volksaar due to significant evidence that they were connected previously in Hindria's long history.  


  Volksaar's rugged land is home to the largest desert and mountain ranges on Hindria: the Saaran Desert and Ember mountains. Spanning almost three-quarters of the continent's landscapes, this desert is the homeland of the Saarans, an industrial savvy reptilian race. At its heart is the Ember mountains, the site of some of the largest deposits of Shards.   The eastern peninsula is known as The Bit, which includes the Kish Woodlands along with some of the savanna and grasslands that extend across the eastern coastlines. This piece of territory is home to the Nammos Kingdom, the final Human empire that battles against the Saaran expansion.


Volksaar is dominated by two major geographical biomes: the Ember Mountains and Saaran Desert. The Ember mountains are an amalgamation of both a chain of volcanos and the colliding of continental plates. Notorious for it's deadly terrain and vast desposits of Shards, the range also acts as a giant rain catcher, halting rain clouds swept in from the Ledrosian Sea and renewing dozens of fresh water rivers as well as watering active volcanos and small pockets of life within the mountains.   The Saaran Desert surrounds the Ember mountains stretching through central Volksaar. Volcanic activity has also transformed the landscape, mixing ash with sand to create a muted bronze presence to the desert's face. Though mostly barren, the residents of the continent still find sustainability in the Saaran from the countless oases that dot the ashen gold veil spanning the heart of the continent.   Further from the violent core of the continent, savannas and grasslands enclose around the desert. These are divided into four sub regions. In Northwest is the Temital Expanse, which resides the Caocriis Desert, the sister to the Fenyx in Pamyria. The Haarn Valleys group the majority of the Southwestern grasslands and coastlines, while the Blutrac Advance lies true South from the Ember Mountains. The Eastern Peninsuala, better known as The Bit, homes the most fruitful lands on Volksaar and is the home to the Nammos Kingdom.   Three major rivers flowing from the Ember mountains break into hundreds of creeks and strems that assist in watering these grassy plains. While some small forests line the mouths leading to the seas, a fourth river flowing from the Fang mountains feeds most of the Northern coastline of Volksaar. This small mountain range stretches across Northern Volksaar and are home to some of the tallest mountains on Hindria.

Localized Phenomena

The highly active volcanic chain within the Ember mountains causes much of the rainfall that Volksaar would gather, to be steamed, continuously agitating the volcanos and keeping them from slumber. However, this also causes an influx of Shard desposits deep within the mountains.   Sandstorms within the Saaran can be extremely deadly due to the mixture of ash and sand clotting the air. The most intense of these storms are known as "Rolling Dread". These storms are notorious for swallowing entire tribes in this deadly mixture, suffocating those unlucky enough to be caught in these storms within minutes.


Volksaar's climates are some of the most unpredictable and volatile upon Hindria. The western grasslands of the Haarn Valleys and savannas of the Temital Expanse are often victim to intense monsoons that are carried in from the tropical winds of the Ledrosian. Some of the southern ends of the Blutrac Advance are prone to sudden cold snaps in the winter seasons and severe dry heats in summer. Though most of the Volksaar's weather is turbulent, the Saaran Desert remains consistent through most of the year, only susceptible to the unpredictable tempers of the Ember Mountains' volcanic chains.

Fauna & Flora

The majority of Volksaar's wildlife resides in the savannas and grasslands that border the Saaran desert. Most species have evolved to survive the brutal weather conditions and migrate with the large Wildebeast herds that travel between the Bit peninsula and Haarn Valley. Trees are sparse, often sprouting individually with only the exception of families appearing near an oasis or one of the four main rivers that flow into the seas.    Rare fungi known as Vikal Hairs dot the Saaran deserts sprouting long stems that are often used to spot underground rivers beneath the sands. Yet, these tunnels are home to the infamous Saaran Great Wyrms. These massive centipede-like creatures feast on the compost of wandering tribes and upon underground creatures that traverse the subterranean rivers.

Natural Resources

Much of Volksaar's bounty lies in raw materials. Sandstone and clay saturate the deserts and savannas, while valuable minerals such as Kamrian salt and exotic gems lie within the caverns of the Ember and Fang mountains. In addition, The Ember mountains are recorded for having the highest intensities of Shard deposits on all of Hindria. Much of Saaran technology is supplied by the heavy saturation of metallic alloys from Brood's Ire, a mountain in the Northern Embers.


Along with its tumultuous weather, Volksaar has a history filled with political conflict. The continent was officially titled as Sihlo'dihiir by Emperor Dalran of the Sihil Dynasty until its recent renaming by the decree of Solus Rex. With both Humans and Saarans claiming their place of origin within its borders, many unnamed disputes over territory for both religious and economical means occured. These struggles lead to the Talon Wars, which pitted the Kishrin Empire against the banded tribes of Saarans.   Many historians also claim Volksaar to be the home of the oldest sites of lost civilizations. Many ruins and exotic statues have been uncovered within the Saaran and the Bultrac Advance. Unfortunately much has been lost or destroyed over the years of conflict, leaving many adventorous scholars to challenge the dangers of Saaran lands.
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