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The people of the Witch Community

Naming Traditions

Family names

Family names are not too important for magi people as the only information that can be gathered from them is who is related to who. Only on rare occasions or specific castes of people are familial important.


Birth & Baptismal Rites

A standard birth will have a wet nurse, three priests and the father of the child present. The three priests are there to ward off misfortune, numb some of the pain from labor, and aid in any sort of healing that may be necessary. The baby will not receive a given name at this time and they will be referred to by their family name. Until the age of three.   Once the child turns three they can then earn a given name. On or after their third birthday, a child will be brought to the Witch Council to be tested for their name. The contents of the test are unknown to all except the Witch Council who are the only ones with the authority to give it. Once a child earns their name they are also given a name by their parents. The name they've earned usually holds hints and foreshadows traits the child will likely develop later in life while their given name is what they'll usually go by.

Coming of Age Rites

Commoner: At the age of 17, one would display the fullest extent of their knowledge/prowess in any fashion they deem fit. From presenting research, to performing magic, or creating something. There is nothing off limits for this display of dedication, but some are far more encouraged than others as the display is also tied to what their prospective place in society will be.   Middle class: A middle class person, at the age of 17, will start to create a sphere of metal that is devoid of any surface imperfection without any help. The sphere must be at least 3 inches in diameter. The surface must be perfectly reflective, smooth without bumps or divots, and must be impervious to scratching by bone tools. This task must be completed within 3 months.   Upper Class: A person of higher birth will, upon turning 17, have to go partake in a duel. The duel must not be mentioned to the person coming of age until they are within 7 days of the duel. The person they duel must be someone that the parents choose. During the duel neither combatant can use magic, use weapons, use tools, or any sort of outside material/influence. Neither combatant is free to leave the duel until the other is unable to continue from pain or unconsciousness. It doesn't matter if the person coming of age wins or loses their duel, it only matters that they take it seriously.

Funerary and Memorial customs

To the magi, the concept of a peaceful rest is not something that is necessary or even desired. Traditionally, all of the bones would be removed from the recently deceased, cleaned, and then used by the family of the deceased for a variety of uses. They believed that using the bones of the deceased in any capacity kept the deceased, in someway, tied to them and offered them aid.

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