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Kingdom that has risen through overwhelming military power. Former home of some of the gods. Main setting of the book series.

Demography and Population

The Population is currently spread throughout the kingdom with the a little less than half of the populace being in the major cities and the rest populating small towns, villages, and frontier outposts. Most people live up to the range of 57-62 years old, with the longest lasting people living in the cities mostly.   The major cities, which are City of Vera, Quarter-Kin City, Gardens of Tora, Westfront, Neir Port all have various ties to the Kingdoms past. Between being one of the founding cities, being blessed by a god, or being where the action and money is, each city has been established as a major power in of itself and has its own unique identity and culture.


Aviagard employs the Gorund Army, a military force who is mostly loyal to whoever the highest bidder. Along with the Gorund Army, Aviagard has a small elite military force called the Royal Guard whose members come from the various locations in the country along with members from the Gorund Army.   Currently, as none can match the funding that Aviagard can produce, they are in all intents and purposes, the Avirian Army even though they hold no steadfast loyalty to Aviagard

Foreign Relations

Aviagard's foreign relations aren't the best considering how hostile and conquest hungry they are, but there are some countries who either tolerate their actions or have built long standing symbiotic relationships with them.   Currently, with Aviagard in a war with a country on the other side of the Great Sea, their trading with others from that continent have slowed/ceased, and are now receiving most of their trade goods from either north or south of themselves.

Forged in Fire

Geopolitical, Country
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
The official currency is a series of coins that incrementally raise in value. The general term for money is Crea. Coinlet: a Coinlet is the base denomination. All other values grow from this one. A coinlet is made from brass, is disk shaped, and has the number 1 on both sides. A single Coinlet can't buy you very much. Things that sell at one Coinlet are usually a 2 square inch patch of cloth, a bite of old jerky, or a small drink of water. It takes 50 Coinlets to equal the value of a Crea. Crea: a Crea is the next step up from a coinlet. A single Crea can buy you a variety of things. A small meal, small tools, a couple rounds of drinks, or smaller clothing articles. It takes 40 Crea to make a Sreer. Sreers: Sreers are the next step up from a Crea. A single Sreer can buy you smaller livestock/animals, board and room at an inn for a day or two, or an escort for a night. It takes 10 Sreers to equal the value of a Gleal Gleals: Gleals are the next step up from a Sreer. A single Gleal can buy large livestock/animals, guard(s) for a day or two, or gain permanent entry to the Royal Libraries. It takes 50 Gleals to equal the value of an Augor. Augor: Augors are the last denomination of the Crea currency. Augors are usually only used by Lords/Ladies or higher authorities. It is used to measure how wealthy/powerful a person/organization is. A single Augor can buy a small mercenary band for at least a week.
Major Exports
Aviagards exports various things that can only be found in the country or it's adjacent territories. Among these are fairy dust, wild druidic fruits and berries, region specific lumber, and some metals.
Major Imports
Of the various items that Aviagard trades for, unique magic ingredients, spices, and exotic textiles are among the most sought after for imports. Of the more mundane items that are traded for, they will trade for some regional lumber, some metals, and the occasional food items they can't grow themselves.
Legislative Body
Judicial Body
Related Ethnicities

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