Blackflame Crucible

  • Blackflame was freezing to the touch, was ventablack and radiated darkness instead of light, and was only ever endured in the Gnome Blackfire Crucibles.
  • It was anti-flame, anti-heat, anti-light; the negative (not opposite) of fire, formed from the radial background energy created during the emergence of the Elder Gods some one billion years ago.
  • Blackflame spontaneously emerged on worlds throughout existence as the result of violent vibrations rippling through The Spaces during Major Discontinuance Event that squeezed the blackflame into The Places, where it existed briefly before evaporating.
  • The Fifteenth Machinist of the Hierarchy of the Tuarzi Gnomes, Tremubrokeem Ornfem captured one such blackflame eruption in a pre-designed and built crucible, the first ever Blackflame Crucible.
  • Only Blackflame from the original crucible could light crucibles designed and built later, all of which required original design, the Blackflame never lit a copy of an existing design.
  • Only 100 Blackflame Crucibles were ever created for all the gnomes in all the realms in all of time.
  • Each flame started going out five hundred years ago, coinciding with the the Minor Continuance Event, never to be lit again.
  • The Blackflame Crucible of Solis Major was extinguished one hundred years ago, the last one on Holocene to do so.

  • For hundreds of thousands of years, the force contained within the Blackflame Crucibles powered the crafting of all the Gnome Scared Machines and the Web of Shadows it generated.
  • All the machines have since deactivated, with the last machines ceasing to function during the Architeuthis event.

  • Gimblenock was given instruction by the Gnome Living Ancestors that if he was ever in the presence of Blackflame, he must plunge his masterkey into the substance, recharge the key and return to the Living Ancestors
  • Five years prior, Gimblenock was given a prophecy that the green comet would reactivate the machines.


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