Gnome Scared Machines

All the sacred machines were crafted using a Blackflame Crucible and the Web of Shadows it can generate. Only 100 crucibles were ever created for all gnomes, in all existence, in all of time.   Since the Architeuthis event the last working sacred machines of the Gnomes ceased responding:

  • Blinding Ark
  • Petrifying Tablet
  • Bracelet of Nightmares
  • Jar of Storms
  • Hand of Agony
  • Malediction Microlith
  • Elemental Door
  • Old Faith's Arch
  • Nightmare Disc
  • Mirror of Delirium
  • Canopic Jar of the Scourge
Sacred gnome masterkeys have failed to reactivate the machines, and all masterkeys and the crucibles that ignite them all started burning out 500 years ago, with the last active Crucible in Solis Major going quiet 100 years ago.   The Gnome Living Ancestors gave Gimblenock one of the last viable masterkeys and instructed him that if he is ever in the presence of a blackflame to plunge the masterkey into the flame, recharge the key and return it to the Living Ancestors.   Other sacred machines that are lost, destroyed or ceased operating in the centuries leading up to the Architeuthis Event include:  
  • Ampitheatre of Entanglement
  • Torture Rod
  • Invincibility Crown
  • Black Star Inscriptions
  • Sentient Primordial Slab
  • Cylinder of Metamorphosis
  • Scroll of Resistance
  • Book of Annihilation
  • Sword of Delirium
  • Arch of Remedies
  • Oblivion Ark
  • Burning Titan
  • Bounteous Monolith
  • Invincibility Binding

A cold, burnt old Blackflame Crucible


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