Jahan Territories

Originating in the central parts of the Jin Rainforests, the Jahan were part of the wider Mossi cultures.   Originally subject to the Semudan Empire, the ancestors of the humans of Jahan migrated out of Semudan after the fall of the Sorcerer King and came to dominate the Jahan territories by 1250 DR.   Primarily a semi-nomadic people, the majority of Jahan are freeman workers, with a smaller number of warrior caste ruled by a noble elite. Each tribe is ruled by a chieftain, with a common annual Council held where the heads of all the tribes meet.   Devastated by decades long gnoll migrations that funnelled through Jahan lands, Jahan is now threatened by the expansion of its much larger neighbour, Acron, High Kingdom of.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Related Ethnicities


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