
Covering a vast area on the north-west border of Semudan, Ruby Empire of Redin, Zodia covers a diverse geographic area that includes inland savanna, desert, dry rainforest, extensive wetlands & marshes, badlands and jungle plateaus. Zodia is an expansive wilderness, with hominind control resting across an ever changing number of Warchiefs and tribal leaders   Redin Semudan and Zodia have been in near constant conflict since the emergence of the Redin Dynasty. The Redin Dynasty has constantly sought to bring Zodia, which had been an imperial territory under the earlier Gaoro Dynasty, while raiders from Zodia frequently cross the southern border, striking into Semudan territory.   Semudan occupied all southern Zodia, including the major cities of Ebrahima, Jammeh and Halima from 1420 to 1465 DR, but withdrew all forces after decades of restlessness in the occupied territories and the outbreak of civil war drawing imperial troops back into the Empire.   Zodian raids on Semudan have started changing from temporary incursions to more permanent migration. This has been from a combination of pressure as the:  

Geopolitical, Tribe
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