Jamamari Principalities

The first ruler to start uniting the lands along the fringes of the Straits of the Moving Sands into what would become known as Jamamari was Prince Victeo in 870. By the end of his grandson's Balel's reign in 922, Jamamari controlled all the Moving Sands trading ports and the strategically critical Isurus Sea, giving them access to the Odontoceti. The city of Abantaeus along with the great canals forever linking the Horenaten Sea to the Straits was established in 940. It remained the largest and most powerful city in Jamamari until its destruction by the Helegu in 1238.   At its most powerful, Jamamari was united as a single kingdom at its greatest extent under Shinlin II from 1019 to 1042. Soon after his assassination, the feuds of the great ruling families erupted and Jamamari fractured back to loosely affiliated principalities. In 1080, under pressure from the Helegu, the Emen tribes migrated westwards into Jamamari territory leading to military conflict, disruption of trade, and instability.   The Emen reduced all Jamamari on the eastern side of the Straits to tributary status. Several pre-emptive raids were launched by the Helegu in 1210, and the Emen led Jamamari forces suffered catastrophic defeats resulting in a further period of destabilisation which saw in rapid succession an uprising overthrowing the Emen, a counterstrike by the Emen reclaiming further territry, another push against the Emen until finally the Helegu arrived en-masse in 1234 and put an end to Jamamari freedom.   Several wars of rebellion have been fought against the Helegu over the intervening centuries with limited and short-lived success. Jamamari territories were broken down by the Helegu and reorganised, with local rulership being delegated to local Chiefs.

Ruins of a Jamamari city now in the territory of the Kelosi tribes


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