Pholos, Kingdom of

The Kingdom of Pholos is an island nation, serving as the border between the Inner odonotceti and the Outer Odontoceti.     The Pholos Islands were initially settled by emigrees from the Kurgan City States in -300DR at Shadewater, Vonrial and Bronzefall.  In the centuries since its settlement by the Kurgan, many minor petty kingdoms have risen, fallen and disappeared from history.      The Kingdom of Pholos saw a population explosion from 1200 DR with waves of migartion from the continent fleeing Helegu invasions.  After 2 centuries of upheavel, violence and chaos, Warlord Ruben Brassglow conducted a campaign against the other warlords on the main island, and by 1420 had brought the island under his control.  By 1250 all the Pholos Islands and several outlying islands such as the Port of Exiles were brought under central control.   The Kingdom of Pholos continues to increase in power, influence and prestige, rapidly bringing it into conflict more and more with the Helegu Khaganate and other lesser powers around the Odontoceti.


High King ruling over 3 Lesser Kings, ruling the north, east and west.

Demography and Population

Human:  2,000,000
Dwarven:  250,000
Other Hominid:  100,000
Orc Tribes:  60,000 (autonomous region)

Walls of Ironwater
Founding Date
1420 DR
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy


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