Kali Tyranny, Vassal States

Many tribes, settlements and war fiefdoms have been incorporated into the greater Kali Tyranny.   The following territories, while nominally independent are nonetheless vassal states who have recognised the overarching rule of the Kali Tyranny.   Arman Elves
  • A campaign by the Kali Tyranny is subjugating all the Elven settlements of and adjacent to the Arman Basin
  • 40+ settlements have so far accepted vassalage under the Kali Tyranny, with an equal number destroyed or abandoned
  • A former province of the Canumbo Empire that unified as a small kingdom at the edge of what is now the Kali Tyranny
  • Population of 2,000,000 hominids
  • After a series of devastating wars, while never conquered by Kali, Ashani recognised Kali Tyranny as their overlords in 1475
  • Remains of the Canumbo Empire homelands.
  • Under Kali Tyranny occupation, no town is allowed to be walled or allowed to house more than 5,000 people and none may bear arms
  • Crushed after rebelling in 1455, the majority of the Canumbons were enslaved and continue to form the majority of slaves compelled by the Kali Tyranny.
  • "Free" Canumbons number no more than 100,000 with 20 times that number enslaved
  • Canumbo has been forcibly settled by those displaced by war, no longer allowed to return home.
  • A large number of small estates controlled through a clan based system
  • Rarely unified, the individual estates and holdings were easily picked off by or yielded to the Kali Tyranny
  • Numbering no more than 750,000 hominids, primarily humans with a scattering of halflings
  Vacmi Hobgoblin Legions
  • Long time raiders and terrors to the people of the Canumbo Empire
  • Now settled by the Kali Tyranny in the eastern portions of the fallen Canumbo Empire claimed by the Kali Tyranny as an ally and vassal state
  • The Vacmi Hobgoblin Legions while not the strongest of the Hobgoblin Legions, are slowly gathering power and building their strength. Their current aims may align with those of the Kali Tyranny, but how much rope the Kali Tyranny gives them is yet to be seen

Village in Mapa  

Vacmi Hobgoblin Pyromancer
Neighboring Nations


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