
The Odontoceti is a large ocean basin and a marginal sea of the Leviathan Ocean. It is bounded by the southern coast of North Hadean, from Cotofeni Republic to Talinessee and the northern coast of South Hadean from the Sentinels to Northern Argos. The Port of Exiles and the Kingdom of Pholos are two of the better known island nations in the Odontoceti.   The Odontoceti has been one of the most important trade regions in Hadean for millenia. In present day trade is mostly between those nations that abut the sea, with the very occasional trader from other lands such as Faerun or Semudan making the long and difficult journey. The one exception to this is the oceans spanning Janto traders who are commonly seen heading north in spring and south in autumn.


The Odontoceti is approximately 7,000,000 km2 in size with a third of the basin consisting of shallow continental-shelf waters   During the warmer months, hurricanes are frequently generated in the Odontoceti, particulalry over the shallow continental-shelf waters between Ciel and serakka.   Whirlpools are an uncommon event, but can strike at any time of year. Typically small and short in duration, supernaturally inspired whirlpools can create major events that can last months. The longest known whirlpool according to the Great University occurred in the last days of the Sarpadian Empire, when a dangerously uncontrolled portal to the elemental plane of water that started in Carcharadon Sea crossed into the Odontoceti and formed a massive whirlpool and moved around the sea for more than 2 years.


Hugely diverse in marine life, the Odonoceti has large popluations of whales, sharks, fish, crustaceans and other sea mammals.   Leviathans can sometimes be found in the deeper parts of the sea, especially between the Kingdom of Pholos and the former lands of the Sarpadian Empire.  A few populations of Sea Serpents live in the coastal waters of the north coast of southern Zara, especially the Dread Coast with the massive Dhenrabi seen rarely.

One of the frequent supernatural whirlpools
Included Organizations


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