Brodyn (Bro-din)

Brodyn, Child of Conlin

Brodyn is the point man of the squad. They are equipped with a Grade A Rifle and Grade A Pistol. After the war they ended up working various jobs, being unable to keep hold of one for long.   They are very enthusiastic and loud, to the point of annoyance for the others. Brodyn also began to say unintentionally morbid things after the war.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Brodyn is of average height and has a fairly built body.

Specialized Equipment

Brodyn is very proficient in using all the Grade A - D weaponry. They carry a Grade A Rifle and Grade A Pistol.

Mental characteristics

Education + Employment

Brodyn has completed Facility and Leisure, Sport and Tourism Sector Education. They worked in the military but after the war they worked various jobs, being unable to keep hold of one for long. Brodyn is surprisingly well rounded in their knowledge and has attempted jobs in many sectors.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • Weaponry - Brodyn is very interested in various types of weaponry there are, how it's put together etc.
  • Colouring Books- Brodyn finds the process of colouring in images to be therapeutic and helps destress themself.
  • Sports - Brodyn enjoys a couple of sports that they play with the others.


Contacts & Relations

Biological Family

Volria's Squad by Nanotide
Brodyn's relationship with their family isn't good, as they were kicked out for increasingly erratic, loud and scary behaviour. They miss their family and wishes that they could control themself better.


During the two month war, Brodyn was assigned to a squad to fight with. Due to the unique situation they had been placed into, the team had developed a very strong bond. Despite the teasing and banter, Brodyn considers them their new family.
  • Ysaac - Brodyn is fond of Ysaac the most because they are the most nice and patient with them.
  • Knox - Brodyn sees Knox more as a mentor figure and looks up to them.
  • Miki - Brodyn and Miki have a fairly good relationship, though Miki is the quickest to jump to making fun of Brodyn.
  • Monika, Brodyn and Ahriman by Nanotide
  • Volria- Volria and Brodyn get along well. Brodyn is the most encouraging to get Volria to goof around, though they do get on Volria's nerves when they get too erratic. They wish they could be a physically fit as Volria is.


Monika Hargrave - Brodyn loves Monika very much and is very comfortable in their marriage/registration.
Ahriman - Ahriman's birth was a huge surprise to both Monika and Brodyn, but not an unwelcome one. Brodyn very proud of them but can be overprotective at times. They are unbothered by Ahri's unsettling appearance.



Spouse (Important)

Towards Monika Hargrave



Monika Hargrave

Spouse (Important)

Towards Brodyn



Date of Birth
15th Olver
Year of Birth
88 AC
Monika Hargrave (Spouse)
Known Languages
Brodyn speaks Nasgovian Hooman, and can read Native Hooman.
Star Alignment
The Tektite


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