Neme's Tent Building / Landmark in Horizon's Hook | World Anvil
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Neme's Tent

Neme's Tent is, as the name suggests, the tent where Neme lives. It is located within the Forest of Nueven.   Since the tent is so small, this article doubles both as the building and room article. Also, fair warning, this page has a lot of later-story spoilers, especially about Neme.

Purpose / Function

Neme brought the tent and other materials into the woods when he decided to run away. He lives in it year-round for the most part, though he later lives with his mother at the Florist Shop.


It's moderately sized, if on the small side, and olive green in color. This way, the tent blends in with its surroundings.

Contents & Furnishings

Neme has a sleeping bag, pillow, and blanket in one corner of the tent. A backpack next to his sleeping bag contains hygiene items such as a towel, soap, a toothbrush, and toothpaste--he often uses the restroom at the jobs he works at. Another bag contains a few books, batteries, cups, plates, silverware, and a small toy or two to keep his hands busy. Furthermore, there's a clothesline, pins, and an extra towel stashed away when they're not in use. Neme also keeps a few bowls for his cats' food and water in the tent, and a scratching post / cat bed provides them a place to rest. The cat bed is likely the most expensive thing Neme owns.   Though the tent's walls aren't very sturdy, Neme taped several symbols to the inside. They can be activated whenever he needs them.    There is a hook at the top of the tent where Neme hangs his lantern. He turns it off at night to avoid attention.
Parent Location

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