Gundren Rockseeker Character in Hott Rolls | World Anvil
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Gundren Rockseeker

One of the three dwarf brothers who rediscovered Wave Echo Cave, friend to Sildar Hallwinter, and now captured by the Cragmaw tribe of goblins.    The dwarf brothers Nundro, Tharden and Gundren located Wave Echo Cave, the legendary home of the The Forge of Spells. Gundren excitedly rushed back to Neverwinter to gather supplies and gear, and hired our party of adventurers to haul the equipment to Phandalin.    However, it would seem that The Black Spider  discovered the Rockseekers secret and sent orders to King Groll of the Cragmaw tribe to have the pair waylaid by those of the Cragmaw Hideout. King Grol ordered Klarg, the chief of the hideout, to have his minions carry this mission out.   Gundren and Sildar rode two horses across the High Road, but were ambushed and captured by the Cragmaw tribe and Gundren was taken to King Grol of Cragmaw Castle .
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