Ikal Ykul

Lord Ykul (a.k.a. Games Master, Host Master)

Ikal is a crook, a thief, a disgusting reminder of what is wrong with this land. If I didn't have bigger concerns, I would have taken him and his protection out long ago!
~King Soach
Lord Ikal Ykul does not have a territory, nor royal Lineage, yet he has done so much for Huggleland that Queen Lokahina herself, gifted him his title. He is considered a national treasure of 'Okeko and is admired by many.

Simple Beginnings

Ikal was born “Ikal Lamina” to middle class, Fauna Elf, parents. He was the youngest of six children and lived a simple, but comfortable life on an animal sanctuary. His family rehabilitated wild animals and took care of those that could no longer survive on their own. His father often trained domesticated wolves to help transport people and goods across the frozen land, while his mother taught the local children all about the animals in the sanctuaries care. Ikal loved taking care of the animals with his siblings and often fell asleep snuggled with the smaller, orphan animals. As he grew and learned from his parents, he would dream of the day when he would run the sanctuary after his parents' retirement.

Upheaval and Sacrifice

One day, while Ikal was playing with his favorite fawn, a man clad in crimson red armor came to visit Ikal's parents. The man did not stay long, but after his departure, Ikal's mother and father disappeared into their bedroom and spoke in hushed voices. Ikal tried to listen, but he could not make out the words. The next morning, Ikal's father packed a small sled and kissed his wife and children goodbye, headed to the seat of the Kingdom in Harmony. The trip would take at least a month, but he promised to return as soon as he could. Two months later, Ikal's mother received a letter with no sender, announcing the death of their beloved family patriarch. Ikal, full of anger and grief, took off running across the frozen fields. He ignored his mother's pleas to come back and just kept running with his tears freezing on his face. Eventually, he found a small cave where he cried himself to sleep. He woke up the next morning to a bear licking his face. The bear was an old friend previously released back into the wild from the sanctuary. Ikal rode back to his home on the bear's back with a heavy heart. When he arrived, grief was replaced with fear. His home was a pile of ash and rubble, still smoking from being burned to the ground. Ikal ran to the ruins, screaming for his mother. He eventually found her slumped against some stone, barely conscious. She smiled at him through the pain and held him. Before she closed her eyes for the last time, she told him the man from before returned. His siblings escaped while his mother fought the man and she sacrificed herself. She told him to run and to never look back. With a kiss on his cheek, she said her goodbyes. Ikal held his mother until he was sure she had passed. He built a small funeral pyre and prayed over her before heading to Bonbon.

A Life Orphaned

After arriving to Bonbon, Ikal was too afraid to seek help from traditional routes. He did what he could to survive on his own until he was taken in by a group of back alley misfits. He grew and learned how to scam, steal, and lie his way to the things he wanted. He especially enjoyed con games. As he grew, he worked his way up until he was a master of crime in his own rite. He eventually established a secret gambling hall he dubbed Sweet Tooth and went by the surname Ykul. Looking over your shoulder was not ideal, but he was well protected and lived a life of relative luxury. The only thing he still longed for was his family. He knew his siblings were somewhere out there, but, he was too afraid to find out he was mistaken.

A Second Chance

With the Death of King Soahc, people were unsure how the new queen would rule. Ikal would quickly find out just how different she was from her deceased father. A beautiful young woman came into his establishment, claiming to be trying to win enough money to pay for some medicine for her sick sister. She played a few games and lost each one. After promising to return tomorrow to try again, Ikal stopped her at the door. He could not let her loose everything. He had let plenty of people hit rock bottom, but, something about her and/or her story pulled at his heart. He gave her the money she needed despite her protest and sent her on her way. A few days later, he was called to the palace by the Duke Rugas. He and the Duke were secret allies but normally, they did not meet in the palace. Upon his arrival, the same woman was standing next to the throne but adorned in a crown and royal garbs. Ikal could not believe his eyes and was sure he had fallen for a trap. Before he could curse his foolishness, the young lady thanked him for his kindness and introduced herself as Queen Lokahina. The three moved to the war room and discussed ideas Lokahina had to legitimize and improve the gambling hall to benefit all. She promised investment, starting with returning the money Ikal had given her. They worked together to renovate Sweet Tooth and open it to the public.

A New Man and a New Title

After the successful reopening of Sweet Tooth, Queen Lokahina gifted Ikal the title of “Lord.” Over the years, Ikal poured his heart into his business; growing it to what it is today. He used some initial profits to build an orphanage in Bonbon and continues to fund it. He also started a foundation for animals that began building a new animal sanctuary where his home once stood. It is almost complete. Ikal has become so much more than he could ever imagine. He is a man of culture, the fine arts, and generosity. He is no longer filled with anger, fear, or despair. There is only hope for the future and his part in it.
Lord Ikal Ykul Meditating
About 200
Current Residence
Sweet Tooth- BonBon
Icey Blue
Pale Blonde, almost white, straight, long hair
210 lbs
Ruled Locations
Sweet Tooth Foundation for Wildlife
Organization | Jul 10, 2024

A land of ice and snow may not be the first place one would think of when thinking "wildlife preserve,"


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