
I tell you, it was the craziest thing. We were lost in the worst blizzard I had ever experienced. Just when we were loosing our last bit of hope, I saw the towers of Bonbon. It was like there was an invisible dome around the city, keeping the blizzard out.
~Frizzlina of Margay
At the intersection of two mountain ranges, surrounded by mostly frozen forest, stands the sparkling city of Bonbon. It's tall towers and colorful glass domes stand out against the white tundra of the 'Okeko region.

City of Mystery

Not much is known about Bonbon's history. As far back as anyone knows, the Rugas family has always ruled the city, and no one has ever tried contesting that rule. Bonbon claims to have been founded by Sacchoro Elves before they allegedly disappeared during the Haunaele-Lokahi War.

Happily Blended

As the central hub and capital of the region, Bonbon is a bit of a melting pot between the surrounding cultures and ethnicities. While a large portion of the city if run by Elves, dwarves, and halflings are plentiful throughout. Unlike other places in the region, in Bonbon, it is not unusual to see blended families between dwarves and elves and/or halflings. One of the most popular interracial couples is the ruling family of Bonbon themselves. Duchess Rugas is an elf, while her adoring husband is a dwarf from a poor mining family.

Built to Last and Impress

Buildings in bonbon are made mostly of stone and glass. Most buildings are white or pale gray but feature colorful accents such as large stained-glass windows, and glass roofs that allow the inhabitants to have a clear, but colored, view of the sky. Bonbon has several tall towers made to be seen high from miles away. Artificial foliage made from metal, jewels, and glass decorate the streets, casting an array of colors across the streets and buildings in the sunlight.
Bonbon is surrounded by solid stone walls despite being isolated from most of the world. There are three known points of entry into the city that are always guarded by the Molasses Brigade. Bonbon is more concerned about protecting itself from the elements than from any potential invaders. No one knows how, but the city also seems to have an invisible force that keeps blizzards and ice storms away from the city. Snow covers the city year around yet the weather is somehow more mild inside the city limits than the surrounding area, no matter how rough it gets. This allows Bonbon to act as a safe place from the at times deadly, wilderness and extreme climate of the continent.

Easy to Navigate

The city has a few main districts, with the districts sometimes bleeding into each other.
— The residential district houses the majority of the population, with a large building that acts as an orphanage and community center being centrally located. The center was built by Lord Ikal Ykul and is host to many celebrations and events.
— The Commerce district has the majority of the shops, trade, and artisan goods available in the city. It also is home of the region's only bank and financial services.
— The Tourist district surrounds the renowned Sweet Tooth. Guides for various adventures and expeditions can also be found in this district.
Every District has its own tavern and inn, as well as its own Molasses Brigade post. The northernmost part of the city is occupied by Rugas Tower, where the ruling family live and run the city from.

Tourism in a Frozen land

Despite its extreme environment, Bonbon is a well known tourist destination. Sweet Tooth brings in thousands of tourists from all over the world to bonbon every year. Beyond Sweettooth, bonbon also boasts beautiful architecture, featuring colorful glass domes and windows that sparkle in both the sun and moonlight. Architects and artisans throughout Huggleland try and fail, regularly, to create the large expanses of perfect glass. Bonbon is also the rumored to be built on the ancient home of the ancient Saccharo Elves. This attracts historians, and treasure hunters alike. Your average tourist usually doesn't leave the city walls, but if they have the desire, there are plenty of guides for curated adventures and expeditions.

The land may be dangerous, but Bonbon acts as a place of refuge for all that encounter it. All are welcome to enjoy its beauty, sense of community, and its peace.
Entrance Hall of Rugas Tower
Alternative Name(s)
Sugar Town & Snow Drop City
Approx. 600,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Sweet Tooth Foundation for Wildlife
Organization | Jul 10, 2024

A land of ice and snow may not be the first place one would think of when thinking "wildlife preserve,"


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