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Basic Information


Bipedal and Bibrachial creatures with an average height of 6'1". Skin tones are varied ranging from dark brown to pale white. Skin tone is believed to be a generational biological response to environmental factors including climate and predation. Elven eye color varies from completely black sclera to white sclera more commonly found in other species on Huld. Elves are typically slim in build and appearance with genetic pre-disposition to an ectomorphic body type. Elves do not require sleep. Unlike other ancestries elves require 4 to 5 hours of trancelike meditation per day to achieve the same rest as a more traditional sleeping period.

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves reproduce viviparously. Two biological sexes (male/female) are required to reproduce.

Growth Rate & Stages

Due to their slower metabolism Elves typically age slowly reaching adolescence at 50 cycles, adulthood at 100 cycles and old age at 400 cycles. The Elven lifespan almost never surpasses 500 cycles.  Elven infants do not practice the same kind of trancelike meditation as Elven adults. As they enter childhood Elven children develop the meditation as a learned behavior at a rate similar to children learning to develop fine motor control and walking.

Ecology and Habitats

Elven ancestry is adaptable. Elves can be found in varied ecological habitats from the snowy tundra of the Kingdom of Frozen Lords, to the planes of The Keth Wilds and the sweltering equatorial rain forests of Jangala.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elves are omnivorous and can subsist on plant and fruit based diets as easily as they can on animal proteins.


Due to their longer than average lifespan, Elves do not typically exhibit any consistency of behavior and psychology until they pass their 300th cycle. Upon passing middle age many Elves begin to exhibit a slower speech pattern consistent with greater consideration of facts, consequences and outcomes. This reduction in conversational speed will become more pronounced as an Elf reaches old age.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Elven males and females typically have very little body hair from birth to death with no appreciable difference upon reaching adolescence. Elves are capable of hair growth on their scalp and around their eyes (eyebrows and eyelashes) but lack any facial hair across either biological sex.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves have the biological requirements for the five basics senses: Sight (two eyes, front facing), Hearing (Two ears, placed on either side of the cranium), Smell (One nose placed between and slightly below the eyes), Taste (One tongue located inside the mouth), touch (skin organ of varying sensitivity encasing the entire body.) Elven eyesight has become adapted to lower light environments. They are able to see in near total darkness with higher levels of acuity than other ancestries.
430 Cycles
Average Height
6' 1"
Average Weight
145 lbs
Geographic Distribution
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