Ferdir Ah' Dain (Fair-DEER Ahh Dane)

The following information is provided through the work of The Family Augustus with the majority of the work performed by Aurelian Augustus, Sixth of their Name at great personal peril.   A great deal can be learned about the Ferdir Ah' Dain through analysis of their system of address. Their name for themselves translates in Ferdir Elven to "The Creator's Chosen". When a member of the Ferdir addresses a non-elf they use the word "Hloima" (Pronounced Hh-LOY-ma) which is their word for "poison". They also have a special word for Half-Elves Nava (Pronounced NAY-va) their word for "hollow". To say that the Ferdir Ah' Dain have a disdain for those outside of their clan would be the same as saying a spider has disdain for a fly. Led by a Generant the Ferdir have been ruled over by the Brightstar family for several Elven Generations. Their leader Alabriat Brightstar bears the same name as his father, and his father before him. Due to the lifespan of Elves this authoritarian regime has been in power for several thousand cycles; supposedly predating The War of the Breaking. To have ruled as long with so much totality over an entire culture requires a monumental strength of will and dedication. The Ferdir Ah' Dain is a culture built upon faith to their god, The Creator.


The Ferdir Ah' Dain are a patriarchal theocracy, but perhaps in name only. Their rule comes from a group of preists who report to the high preist with the rank of Generant. The first person to ever hold this title was Alabriat Brightstar. Whevener the leader of the clan dies, their first born son takes the name and responsibilities of leadership. This has caused some confusion among schollars and helped to spread the mistaken belief that the same man has been ruling the Ferdir ah' Dain for thousands of years. Their adherence to the male heir of the family may also not represent a pre-disposition towards Ferdir ah' Dain men and their rule, but could simply be due to a lack of female heirs. (Author's note: This author Aurelian Augustus, 7th of Their Name has attempted to research the extended family connections of the Brightstar family but has, so far, been unable to substantiate anything beyond the passing of leadership from father to son. Adding to the complication is the lack of any written process or procedure that a male heir is the only option for passage of leadership. Further investigation is definitely necessary) This again leads to a great deal of confusion from the limited schollarly work that has been produced about the Ferdir ah' Dain and added to the, likely mistaken, belief that the brightstar family only produces male heirs.   Despite their universal adherence to a religious hierarchy, Ferdir Culture is reliant upon their military for policing and judicial processes. Military service of 100 years is compulsory for all members of the clan. Due to the high amount of training and food distribution that soldiers recieve many people choose to remain in the military for their entire lives.     Other cultures such as the Fa Empire and the late Tefferan Sultanate rely upon oaths of fealty from different famlies to support their military and justice systems. The Ferdir have no such structure. Ferdir culture is communal in its division of labor and property. No one citizen (Excepting the Generant) owns property or means of production of goods as all property and production is owned by the church.


There are two primary desirable life paths within Ferdir Society, the military and the priesthood. Ferdir ah' Dain culture is patriarchal by leadership, meaning that no woman has ever held the role of Generant . However they do promote parity of position and responsibility between the biologial sexes in most of their society.  

Military Service

  Most of the soldiers in the Ferdir ah' Dain military are men, but this is not due to any prohebition on women. Many women do hold leadership positions within the military and have cultivated broad military success and reputation. It would be a mistake to assume Ferdir ah' Dain women are any less capable in combat than their male counterparts. The military of the Ferdir ah' Dain has many responsibilities and is the logistical backbone of the entire society. In addition to their warmaking the Ferdir ah' Dain military is responsible for law enforcement, food production, housing production, exploration and arcane research.  

Church of the Creator

  The other predominant life path for many Ferdir ah' Dain is the priesthood of their one God. The majority of priests in Ferdir ah' Dain society are women but similar to the Ferdir ah' Dain military many men choose the preisthood as their path in life and gain a considerable amount of reputation and influence. Much like the Ferdir ah' Dain military the Church of the Creator has many responsibilities in   

Other Ocupations

There are merchants, laborers and farmers within Ferdir ah' Dain society. However, they are viewed as a necessary but undesirable aspect of society. Many Ferdir ah' Dain who work as laborers on farms are prisoners or people who are undergoing involuntary religious training. Merchants in Ferdir society exist to serve as a way to import exotic goods from other parts of the world that have been conquored. While Ferdir ah' Dain society espouses the abandonment of material goods and personal property many people in their society rely on merchants to deliver these rare and taboo goods.  

Ferdir Children

Children in Ferdir ah' Dain society are not raised by their biological parents. Instead all newborn children are placed in a state run childcare system that is run by the church of the Creator. Children are educated in basic letters, religious fundamentals and arithmatic for their first several years of life. On their twentieth year or so they are tested for adaptability for their best fit within Ferdir ah' Dain society. As an example, any of the children who show a natural pre-disposition to arcane magics are separated into the Ferdir ah' Dain military for additional training.
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
The Creator's Chosen, Evil Elves
Leader Title
Government System
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities