Fa Empire

"As the sun sets in the west, a peach colored sky draws languid shadows from the peaks of rock jutting from the tranquil waters of Lake Matsaya. Each pillar of moss covered stone forms a natural gateway from one tower to the next. Ships, great and small share the lanes. Bringing passengers, goods and gold to the bustling harbor of Kylia, the seaside capital city of the Fa Empire breathes wealth and security." - Flames of Emser Season 5, Episode 8.   The Fa Empire stretches throughout much of the eastern waters of Lake Matsaya , the Po Lai Straight, and the south eastern edge of the The Tressian Plateau. A vibrant culture steeped in tradition and industry, the Fa Empire seeks to grow its borders through trade and military might.



  Although there is no clear rule separating the different levels of economic class within the Fa Empire, moving out of poverty as an individual or a family is rare. Many families of few means have taken on indentured servitude with more wealthy families. The role of servant is often attached to a family instead of a single individual. In exchange for their labor, many servant families are given lodging, food and professional development in trades such as smithing, carpentry, brewing or farming. Evidence of class stratification in the Fa Empire can be seen in any Imperial Settlement but are most apparent in larger cities such as Kylia.


The Fa Empire has longstanding cultural values that stretch back to the veneration of the Fa Clan. Their culture can be defined by the philosophical work of several historical figures. The most seminal work being The Way of Water. This book of reflections on society was first embraced by the Fa clan and then spread throughout the Po Lai straight as a model for mindful living. The primary cultural tenants that are still observed today are:
  1. Observance and obedience " The will of the Emperor General brings life and death. Just as the mountain brings rain and snow the flower lives and dies by its mercy."
  2. Discipline of the Physical body. "...the body is a temple that can be attended or left to seed."
  3. Filial Piety "...those with greater seasons are acquainted with greater wisdom."
  4. Moderation "...to take from another when one's satchel is full only causes the stolen goods to fall to the ground, a waste."
  5. Ancestral Worship " His brother's spirit laid to rest at the family shrine was given all the wisdom of the family who came before. Arian knew one day he would earn his ancestors wisdom as well."
Outside of the traditional expectations of obedience to the Emperor General and loyalty to one's familial elders, Fa culture could be described as militaristic and repressed. People do show expressions of joy and sorrow but typically in very reserve ways. Crying is acceptable in times of grief over the death of a loved one. However, overt expressions of sadness such as weeping in public are generally frowned upon and considered obscene. Similarly, displays of public intoxication, depravity or aggression are considered equally gauche and embarrassing.

The Royal Court

The Fa Empire is governed by a royal court of ministers. While these ministers are granted titles such as Foreign Trade Minister, Imperial Magistrate or Minster of Culture, each minister only fills an advisory role to the Emperor General. With ultimate authority on large matters of state falling to the Emperor General's decisions, smaller matters such as taxation, military readiness, public health and are handled by the ministers of the court. Each court minister oversees a department of servants, academics and laborers that vary in size depending upon need and Imperial favor. Infighting between the different Imperial ministries is not uncommon and can lead to alliances between ministers or attempts at sabotage of other administrations. However, this cutthroat environment seldom collapses into armed conflict or overt hostile action.


Pride and joy in Fa Imperial society are typically expressed outwardly through physical works such as architecture, painting, sculpture, metal working and weaving. Artists in the Fa Empire are rare and typically create works of art that are overtly dedicated to the Emperor General. These successful artists are afforded a certain level of understanding and permission for any eccentricities in dress and manners. Many aspiring artists will apprentice under an established artist that works in their preferred method of expression such as painting, music or dance. These positions are rare and often are sold by the artist to wealthy families who give large amounts of money, land, servants or all three to ensure their child receives the coveted position of artist's apprentice.

Law Enforcement

The Imperial Magistrate oversees law enforcement and judicial activities within the cities of the Empire. In matters of day to day compliance with Imperial law and criminal activity the officers of the Imperial Magistrate run the Empire's criminal courts and police force. Each city and town that falls under the Fa Empire is assigned at least one Marshal and one Judge that work for the magistrate. The amount of marshals, judges and magisterial officers will grow depending on the population of various locations. Settlements and towns with larger economic impact typically have a large force of marshals and judges to oversee the work of processing so many judicial requests. As an example, the capital city Kylia has a staff of several hundred marshals and more than two dozen judges. Although it has fallen out of common practice, exile was a common punishment for citizens of the empire. Cities such as Riverweld and Lostport grew or were created as a result of exiles from the Fa Empire.

Foreign Relations

While the Fa Empire has a healthy foreign presence and positive diplomatic relationships in many surrounding territories such as Dun Bok and Ter'A-Til they have a history of armed and economic conflict with the Kingdom of Emser and their military the Lark Society. This fierce rivalry led to an economic conflict over the port city of Riverweld which resulted in a protracted series of naval battles and the Fa Empire claiming the city before mysteriously abandoning it and recalling almost all their military forces back to Kylia .

Strength Beyond the Horizon

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Fa Clan
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Market economy
Parent Organization
Official Languages
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Articles under Fa Empire

Character flag image: Fa Empire Crest by Toni Gil