The Three Blades

"The Emperor trusts few, but is revered by all. His mind and spirit lead our clan. Our blades protect and care for him, sculpt him, heal him." - Goro, first physician of the three blades.   Originally formed out of necessity to keep the emperor general alive, the barbers, chefs and physicians of the Emperor General became powerful spymasters, warlords and merchants. With great power, comes greater temptation.   The following information was collected and curated by Aurelian Augustus, Sixth of their Name.


A Close Shave (940 AF)

The Emperor General Kar Fa was valiant in his war to control the Po Lai Straight. After he united the different island clans under his own banner he had made many enemies. During the initial years of his rule many attempts were made on his life. Despite multitude of soldiers, spellcasters and loyal subjects the nature of his warmongering meant that Kar Fa's list of enemies was vast. These enemies frequently attempted assassinations. During one such occasion the newly minted Emperor General's cook, physician and barber all collaborated to keep him safe from harm. The cook became the last line of defense against poisoning, the physician against injuries from assassins blades, and the most skillful blade of all, the barber, became Kar Fa's shadow. An ever present member of his staff and council that would go unnoticed and unsuspected. The barber kept the Emperor General safe against threats from within his own empire. Who would ever suspect a barber?

Dwarven Arrival (2424 AF)

The arrival of the Dwarven Oriate guild into the Po Lai Straight was a massive shift in the Fa Clan's political landscape. A new culture of skilled crafters and warriors with access to vast riches had made their presence known. Before the Dwarves arrived at the port of Kylia the Three Blades had focused their efforts on protecting the Emperor General from the internal threats of rival clans. The Dwarven culture valued military might and had the resources and soldiers to crush the scattered islands containing Fa towns and settlements. With the empire's military assuming a Dwarven invasion was imminent, the three blades turned their efforts and network towards infiltrating the Oriate guild and understanding Dwarven society. The networks of the Three Blades came to understand the Dwarven houses had rivalries similar to those between the clans of the Po Lai straight. Using some careful information gathering, distribution of specific scandalous information and two discreet assassinations, the Dwarven diplomats and the Oriate Guild were upended with infighting. Within a year the Three Blades were able to stop the imperial army from a potentially deadly assault on a Dwarven outpost and arrange for the signing of a trade treaty. After several generations of focusing their efforts within the empire the heads of the Three Blades realized the need to extend their information network beyond the empire's borders.
  After their success the leaders of the Three Blades realized the need for restructuring. Protecting the Emperor General and the Fa Empire from domestic threats, and now, foreign interference would require a broader operational scope. The Emperor General had been overjoyed with the effective the infiltration of the Oriate guild. The Three Blades decided that a single "leader" would be necessary. This person would act in an official capacity and be something of a figurehead. This person could provide the Emperor General with some of the same level of intelligent advice and information, however, instead of acting as a physician, cook or barber the new leaders would need official titles, something that allowed them to travel with the royal court. Since the Three Blades had been instrumental in negotiating a successful treaty with the Dwarves the Emperor General had been increasingly involving them in trade talks. Their new positions granted them wealth, status, access and a position in the royal court.

New Opportunities (2826 AF)

With their new positions the Three Blades knew they would require a change to the way they operated. Their appointment to the royal court had elevated the members of the them beyond their humble origins as crafters and merchants. This newfound status began to cause split opinion among the members. Some believed the nature of their organization required they remain in their humble professions and out of the public eye. Believing that promotion to the Royal Court had removed their senior members humility and tenacity that they had earned from a life of laboring in their trades. Other members saw the new positions as a confirmation of their good works for the generations of Emperor General. Their positions in Royal Court was their reward for a job well done. With division in the group, the leaders of the Three Blades worked hard to find a compromise. Eventually a decision was made to appoint one of their members as a figurehead to the court. Not a leader, but someone who could be the groups public face and take advantage of their new position in Imperial society, while still utilizing the grassroots organization and resources of the Three Blades. So a plan to create the position of Foreign Trade Minister was created.


Upon the office of the foreign trade minister's creation the Three Blades ceased their official activities in support of their newfound legitimacy in the royal court. Many members continued to ply their trades as laborers and crafters in support of the trade minister's office. However, other members were disheartened the three blades had left behind their austerity for the trappings of wealth and prestige. These same members had developed significant contacts and resources over generations of intelligence work. With many of the members parting ways into the Po Lai Straight and further into Deren they looked to build their fortune apart from the trades that had brought them together for a common goal. The remaining families became a council to guide the direction of the organization. These families would eventually become the executives of the Ash Blossom Covenant.

Mythology & Lore

The legend of the three blades formation is something that has grown over the last thousand years. While the group's disappearance is mysterious, the story of their formation endures. With diligence, patience and no small amount of peril I conducted interviews throughout the Po-Lai straight to ascertain the original myth of the organization's creation. This version is free from the additional embellishments gained by generations of retelling. I present to you, translated from its original language the poem "The Blessing of Blades" - Aurelian Augustus Sixth of their name.  

The Blessing of Blades

One balmy summertide night in the royal gardens, the heads of the Emperor's servants meet under the branches of the Emperor's favored cherry tree. The moonlight pierces the frail petals, casting shadows across the men and women who were most favored by His magnificence. Look at them bluster and blush for one another. They know their blessed Emperor may be at risk from interloping forces and rival houses. The safety of their Emperor moves his servants to fits of loyalty.   "Our splendid Emperor is wise to keep our counsel, we must be on our guard for any who wish him harm from within and without. His enemies are ours. The task is sorrowful. Poisons and assassins lurk around us, for certain." The physician grumbles.
"Feh! None will sully our mighty Emperor's shadow!" the barber shouts.
"None will lay hands upon our beloved Emperor unless they have first passed the skill of my knives! My life's blood will be spilled before that!" Cries the cook.
"Foes lurk in the day as well as the dark!" An unknow voice interrupts. Who is this? The blades look about them and see the old groundskeeper step from behind the tree.
"You are not alone in your love for our Emperor and his wisdom. We see his enemies stalk him and shall join you." The groundskeeper is joined by the tailor, the sailor and the farmer.
"We have lived and bled for our Emperor General. Word of your secret deeds for Him have reached the ears of those who are true. We pledge our blades to his service."

The masters of the Three Blades recognize their breatharian and embrace them. The Emperor General's favored cherry tree shakes and its leaves fall upon his loyal protectors. The old grounds keeper and his comrades bring the falling leaves to their lips and swear a covenant with the Three Blades to honor the will of the Emperor General and pledge their lives to His safety and prosperity. His beloved tree moves gracefully in the moonlight, stretching its branches down. Its soft flowers turn to the finest silk, the smooth bark become the fairest skin and the sturdy trunk become the mightiest body. The Emperor General is made flesh before them! What mystery!
 Having revealed His disguise. His blades prostrate themselves before His wisdom. When the Emperor General speaks He reveals His pleasure and reflects His good fortune on His loyal protectors. He proclaims those who have sworn this night will be held in highest esteem and trust. For those that labor and toil for His glory are safe in his counsel. Though they may be deemed lowly and cast aside, they are seen by His watchful eye and known for their true value.

940 AF - 2826 AF

Information Network
Alternative Names
Barbers, Servants, Blade servant, Emperors eyes and ears
Successor Organization
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities